Category Archives: Reading Journal

Journal Entry 1

Caves of Steel, Comparison to Present day Society

The society within Caves of Steel and present day society are physically different in various ways.  As I picture the scene of Caves of Steel, I image a dark depressing enclosed city without windows or sunlight.  It’s a clear separation of nature from the city.  There are no trees or greenery. It is literally a cave made of steel.  It is a complete artificial society.

In comparison to our society, we are nothing like that.  I believe that man will always try to incorporate nature within their societies.  As we can see today, our cities are filled with natural elements, such as parks, plazas and trees.  Our cities are never enclosed spaces, as we prefer we

Reading Journal #3- Close Analysis of COS 2/27/14

One part of the novel that stuck with me was when Clousarr struck R.Daneel.  Baley reacted in a way that was defensive.  He exclaimed “What the devil”, and he then “snatched violently at Clousarr”.  Baley knows that Daneel is a robot, but acts as though that blow could have injured him.  Baley was either beginning to connect to Daneel, or the thin line that made him an android was forgotten momentarily.

Daneel then apologizes for hurting Clousarr’s hand. The moment passes and both men remember he is an android again.  Clousarr then compares Baley to an android and any bond between Danell and Baley is broken.  The officers were working pretty well in unison and Clousarr broke it up,  This moment showed that life with both androids and humans working together is possible, but not with extremists among them.

Caves of Steel: Reading Journal Close Analysis

In Caves of Steel, it showed the building trust of human (Elijah Baley) and robot (Daneel Olivaw). The passage I chose was as follows from the Ending of Chapter 1:

“No, Commissioner.” He drew a deep, sighing breath. “What’s my Partner’s name?”

“R. Daneel Olivaw.”

Baley said, sadly, “This isn’t the time for euphemism, Commissioner. I’m taking the job, so let’s use his full name. Robot Daneel Olivaw.

In the beginning of the story, the Commissioner hired Lije for the job which he didn’t want to accept at first only because of one specific thing. His partner, was a robot. Lije couldn’t trust that robot anywhere near his family or even around him thinking that Daneel would end up backstabbing in the end. From a rough start where even Lije’s wife told him that she scared of Daneel (when at first she was okay with him since she never realized he was one till the news report). Lije began to lighten up a bit about having Daneel as a partner. Being with someone for a long time no matter what they do would make the trust grow and seeing as to how Daneel was almost like a human even when he wasn’t but was trying his best to be for Elijah, made Lije think that he shouldn’t judge someone right away because they’re different. Just give it some time and it’ll eventually work out. Especially when Daneel didn’t understand something such as the bible, Elijah took the time to explain it to him. In the end, they both learned each other’s customs from one another, solved the murder case and walked arm in arm.

Reading Responses 1&2 by Pedro Amigon

The novel “Caves of Steel” is written by Isaac Asimov and the story takes place in the future. The protagonist lives in a more advance and polluted planet earth. There are robots in this future that work and are very utile to society but are despised by humans. Most humans blame robots for everything wrong with the environment and for the working man’s inability to prosper. In this world similar to ours there’s an overpopulated human crisis just like our crisis but the only difference is that they have come to a conclusive way of dealing with by how many kids you are allowed to have based on your I.Q. In this world everything is more limited you can’t live on the dome’s that hover up in the skies because they belong to spacers or robots. There’s an iconic dome known as “Spacetown”. In Spacetown the air is ventilated to be cleaner than the earth’s air. Spacetown is more cleansed than planet earth; any outsider is forced to be cleansed by taking a shower. In Spacetown humans are considered to be creatures carrying infectious diseases. In planet earth food is limited and its good customs to deny food to a stranger in your home. Technology is much more different with simple drop blood a machine can see if you have any health issues or any psychological issues such as depression. Robots look like human beings and are built with a postronic brain that prevents them from hurting humans in any way. Robots are built with this conscious ability to make decision on their own and are able to interact with humans in a much superior form compared to our Iphones.

When I read “Caves of Steel”, I encounter much of an oppressed society that had many conservative views on the way things should be from the character having his own religious philosophical views making man the foundation of everything that exists. Many side characters such as the Elijah’s wife had a view of where humans place is and where robots position is uphold.Elijah the protagonist of the story has a hard time working with his partner based on the fact that he looks entirely human, it upsets him the most because he’s afraid to think differently about robots from the way other people portray robots of being more than just machines. Elijah recites a bible verse in page (77) to R of a bible story about mercy, R then explains to him that he could show mercy as well is he no different from humans. The theme of the story is overcoming oppression, it was the only way Elijah solved the case. Julius Enderby tried to break Elijah by putting him in a scenario that Elijah would have troubles overcoming such as going to Spacetown and being treated differently knowing that R’s creator looks just like him, an insane scenario with much confusion and doubt.  When Elijah overcame oppression he learned to more merciful towards Julius Enderby in order to make some prominent good of his altercations. In Elijah’s oppressed society the constant threat for survival, Elijah almost shot R because he came close to believing that a robot could hurt humans when R held his blaser to a pedestrian, only to realize that R’s blaster wasn’t loaded.

Journal 1 & 2

In the first 100 pages of “Caves of Steel”, I realized how rich it was with themes that actually made me want to read it till the end. One of the most important things I read was when R. Daneel was explaining to Baley his actions after the incident at the shoe store, when Daneel said, ”… My briefing on human characteristics here among the people of Earth includes the information that, unlike the men of the Outer Worlds, they are trained from birth to accept authority. Apparently this is a result of your way of living.” (38). This passage shows exactly the human way of life throughout the history. It reflects how a force called the law, which people are scared of, rules the world. That’s why they follow and respect it. If anybody breaks the law, they get punished. So the author wanted to show the reader how the colonized people were ruled and that it wouldn’t happen in any other way.



In the other half, another passage caught my attention is when Dr. Fastolfe was talking to Baley about him carrying a disease from the City, and that the spacers have no antibodies against any of the germs. He said, “Earth is riddled with diseases to which we have no defense, no natural defense” (118). The author here wanted to show why the spacers are afraid of the humans, and why every human entering has to be cleaned and checked for germs and diseases. This incident reminds me of the Ellis Island incident that happened years ago here in the United States. This island was the base of the first federal immigration station. Immigrants used to be taken to this island and checked for any disease that could be fatal, before entering the states.

Reading Journal #2 Thomas Quinn

One moment that really stuck with me was when Lije’s wife, Jesse, came clean about her meetings with the Environmentalists.  She was so bitter about Baley stripping her name of any power she thought that it held, so she went behind his back.  Jezebel is a name associated with “painted lady’s” in the Bible, or prostitutes.  Her final act of getting made up before leaving the station showed her indignation as a woman of status (higher up than most) in the face of her self-exposition.  She may have went behind Baley’s back because he made her feel trapped and stripped of power; but in the end she kept her role as a faithful wife.

reading journal 1-2

There are many differences between the world of today and the world of Caves of Steel. One of these differences is the cities. What we consider a city in this day and age, is no where near the size in population or land mass. New  York City in Caves of Steel has a population of about 8 billion and encompasses what we know as New Jersey, Philadelphia and Connecticut, while New York City we live in has a population of 8 million and boarders those three states. Even though this sounds impressive it is one of their big problems and one of our major concerns of the future. I am talking about over population. Even though they have controlled and limited child births. They are still running out of resources such as land and food. They live in huge apartment like complexes that are sized to just fit the person or people living in them, they were created for efficiency and they are still running out of room. The food they eat is mostly synthetic and it is rationed out so people don’t starve because even with synthetic food they still are running out of food. Even though these are two very different worlds they face some of the same problems and even though we are not at that point yet but Caves of Steel in some respects can be a very real and bleak future for us as a race, if something is not done by us soon to change the path we are on.



As I was reading Caves of Steel I was put into the mind set of the spacers were arrogant and the robots were just machines. In the beginning of the book space town was portrayed as a city lf the elites of the aliens and they seemed so much better than humans and they thought that as well. The best example of this is when Baley enters space town for the first time and he has to go this quarantine procedure. He had to take a shower and they took his blood to check for diseases, with everything we knew from the start of the book lead us to believe that this was due to the fact that humans were dirty. But to me there was a turning point for me. In the turning point my opinion of the spacers changed. This turning point was when Baley met Dr. Fastof. This was a turning point to me because he explained what the spacers wanted with Earth and the human race but also why they never come down to Earth and why when Earthmen come to space town they have to go through the quarantine process and it because they are afraid of diseases from mankind. I just thought that it was humbling for the spacer to tell this to a human and I think Baley thought so to or else I don’t think he would have considered the doctors argument so easily.

Journal #2

One of the themes that have stood out for me while reading “Caves of Steel” is the concept of socialism through out the book. One particular moment that stood out to me was when Elijah and R.Daneel went to a foreign kitchen to eat and discussed how the food around the world is exactly the same. He also discussed how they were allowed to eat certain because of his class and how they weren’t allowed to eat depending on whether kitchen was short or not. The food distribution in this book is controlled by one entity and is distributed to everyone in the world. Elijah is only allowed a certain amount of choices to eat, he cannot buy whatever he wants like in a capitalistic society. Another example of socialism in the book was how many children a family is allowed to have is controlled. Elijah is a level five so he is allowed to have two kids. This book was written during the 1950’s so this theme is very strange for this time period. I feel as if he was maybe telling his readers that socialism is the future or he was telling readers that it isn’t the future since their are many problems in the Caves of Steel.