Professor Schoenbrun | COMD3313 OL74| FA21

Category: Sketchbook (Page 4 of 32)

Sketchbook- Week 8

The subjects I decided to draw for this sketchbook assignment was a Christmas fox ornament and a star fish disk decoration. One with mostly soft texture and the other with rough textures. I had to think on how I could approach this. Obviously, I should sketch everything in pencil first but how can I accurately translate the image on paper. Then I had the idea of using the three-by-three technique. I used the grip for the image and replicate it on paper. It made the prosses much easier and gets the ball rolling.

The fox ornament was cool to draw. I started inking from the fox’s black nose to its black ears. The nose was a challenge at first because I had to do different shades of black for the inner and outer nose. I pull this off by leaving some white streaks in the nose to give the illusion of a light shade of black. I did same thing for the eyes as well. I used my smallest pen 003 to ink the fur texture. This is because strands of hair are very thin, and the pen doesn’t release too much ink when I use a light pressure. This is also how I was able to do the white fur. It might be hard to see through my scanned drawing.

The starfish dictation was the most difficult to replicate because of the many shapes and patterns. Thanks to the grid I was able to draw the shapes more accurately. for the textures themselves, I have the lumps in hash shading while the textures between with dots. After inking the whole thing, I think it turned out good to my liking.

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