Professor Schoenbrun | COMD3313 OL74| FA21

Category: Discussions (Page 4 of 18)

Week 3 Discussion

Jillian Tamaki explains in her article essential and necessary steps to coming up with ideas and how to execute them. These steps include finding inspiration from all places that include watching film, reading books, reading news, visiting museums, etc. to be as invested as possible. Next is to record and collect these images to have for references and have those references easily accessible. Another step is choosing your words first and carefully because is starts to have clearer ideas rise and think of many associations. Next, adding images that can help trigger more ideas. After, you can combine the words and images together to get inspiration and use that as a guide for your ideas. Lastly, creating thumbnails will help pave the way and make it clear to execute your art pieces. 

Some techniques that she uses that I have already incorporated into my idea generation process are collecting data to learn more about my topic and using images that can help me trigger more ideas. Some new techniques that I’ve learned that I find helpful are choosing words first carefully to have clearer ideas and having more word associations and combining words and images to get inspiration and see my ideas become a guide.

Week 2 Discussion

One of the illustrated or designed packaging that I feel connected to from my childhood is the small cartoon character, “Punchy” from the Hawaiian Punch logo. Many activities such as parties with family, hangouts with friends, and a part of my snacks that my mother would give me all the time would be Hawaiian Punch. Another illustrated packaging from my childhood was “Chester Cheetah” from the potato chip brand, Cheetos. Both the Hawaiian Punch drink and Cheetos always went hand in hand when I was younger. That is why my childhood memories are filled with both of these cartoon characters and are probably why I started drawing cartoons so much.

Week 1 Discussion

The writer’s discussion about keeping a sketchbook is that sketchbooks can be a visual diary of daily thoughts, imaginings, and renderings. If you have time to scroll through social media on your phone or watch television during your free time, you have time for your sketchbook. Also how perfectionism can seem like a good trait, but ultimately It holds us back. Another point is the art materials we use to sketch don’t matter because art is all about being in the moment, which can be achieved with any medium. Also, a great way to practice your skills is to set up still lifes. Lastly, If you draw what you see and not what you know, you’ll produce a drawing that looks more like the object in front of you.

    In the past, during my high school years, I did regularly draw in my sketchbook during my free time. What has stopped me is watching too much television and playing video games. I hope to fall in love with drawing everyday in my sketchbook all over again. I feel like the quote means that drawing in your sketchbook is another way to calm and relax yourself, and is similar to meditation.

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