Professor Schoenbrun | COMD3313 OL74| FA21

Category: Assignment 2 (Page 5 of 7)

Assignment 2 Part 1_Brainstorming & Research_Nyle Davis

Assignment 2 Part 1_Brainstorming & Research_Nyle Davis

Ebony magazine has been around for over 75 years. It is a monthly magazine that focuses on news, entertainment, culture and business as it relates to the African American community. Over the years, it spawned several spinoff publications, most notably, JET magazine (Another magazine that I enjoy). Though today, they are mostly digital, they still print in paper in select quantity. I have the app downloaded on my phone and tablet that issues varied weekly articles.

The article I chose to explore is from the Career & Finance section called “Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Make Inroads in Tech” by Tanya Christian. I chose this article because I’m always interested in entrprenurship, new innovations and business. The article speaks about second chances, finding new ways to be self sufficient and how to generate wealth via the expanding world of technology.

Attached is the link to the article:

Assignment 2 Part 1_Joshua Smith

I decided to choose an article from called “Ocean warming threatens southern right whale population recovery”. This article is speaking about the whale population possibly declining due to climate change near the Southern Ocean. The reason I chose this article is because I have a big appreciation for nature, whales play an important part in the marine ecosystem and I would like to create a nature-related illustration.

Assignment 2 Part 1

Sports Illustrated is a sports magazine where mostly every sport is covered and talked about. My interest in sports has gotten me to choose this magazine for this project. There are several news that could be covered in the magazine. From team wins to controversial topics in the sport or with a professional athlete.

This article by Brandon Sneed talks about a promised pro athlete back in the day who had trouble to stop his addiction from drugs and alcohol. His name is Colt Brennan, he was known for his talent on the football field during college. However, during college, he would be part of scandalous events that would change people’s views of him. These events would tragically affect his football career and his life as well. It seem to me that he was going down the wrong path; being addicted to drugs and alcohol. According to the article, he did receive help and proper treatment. Being addicted to something can become really bad and affect someone’s life.

Link to article:

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