Professor Schoenbrun | COMD3313 OL74| FA21

Author: Jamir Campbell (Page 1 of 7)

Final project Part 1

The name of the Folktale I chose was Hansel and Gretel. In the original story their a family that lives in the woods. There are two kids a father and a stepmom, the stepmom isn’t too fond of the children. Due to the kids being disliked by the stepmom they run away. While looking for food in the woods they stumble upon a witch who then traps the Hensel and it’s up to Gretel to save him. The interpretations that I will be making is for one, instead of the witch eventually eating the boy or in sum edition where they trick the witch and get away, what if the witch overhears the brother & sister complaining about the stepmom and decided to help the children by taking the stepmom instead. In my story the stepmom turns out to also be a witch and put a spell on the father, so he doesn’t pay attention to the kids. The Father character is very quiet and doesn’t have much to say.

When it comes to Hensel and Gretel, they would play off each other like they do in the original, I feel it’s necessary because Gretel is slightly older and smarter than her brother Hensel. It makes sense that he was the one to enter the house and get trapped. There are different versions of the book but in the one I read Gretel was suspicious of the house while Hensel wasn’t because he didn’t know any better. The stepmother will be a witch who was hiding it from the children, the father knew but was under a spell and was secretly suffering inside just as much as the kids. When it comes to the environment of the story, I think it makes sense that the location stays in the woods, because I think it fits how they get lost perfectly, it’s easy to get lost in the wood if you don’t know how to navigate it. The original mood for the book is dark, I think by changing the ending it brightens up the story more and makes for a more kid friendly ending.


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