Professor Schoenbrun | COMD3313 OL74| FA21

Author: Brianna Edwards (Page 2 of 7)

My name is Brianna Edwards. I'm in my first sophomore year in City Tech. I'm not sure on what I want to do yet but I'm thinking of being an illustrator. I've drawn on paper and digital media. I also want to tell my own story through drawings. I still feel like I have many things to learn so I'm looking forward to see how far I can go.
I'm also interested in animation. I have never properly animated before but I've grown up on them and I can't just let them go. So I still watch them now.

Final Project-part 1

The Fox and the grape

1. genre
original: fable
change: Japanese mythology

2. cultural influence
original: Medieval Europe
change: Japan

3. mood
original: Dark
change: Colorful

4. setting
original: behind building or near a manmade structure
change: forest

5. update characters
original: skinny/not fluffy
change: fluffy


Aesop was the storyteller of this fable “The fox and the grapes” This and many of his tales were passed down for centuries. An adaptation I’ve found in the school library site is “Aesop’s Fables by Aesop.  However, “La Fontaine’s fables” by Francois Chauveau is the oldest book illustration I can find of this fable, so I’ll be refencing to that illustration.

I was unsure how exactly how I can put my spin on the illustration. The story is still has modern imagery today so I want to stare away from a children saturated style. While researching, I’ve learned that the Aesop’s fables had spread through different cultures in Europe and Asia. It came to me to probably try out using a ink brush style from Japan.

The story is a few sentences long. It is about a fox coming across grapes hanging from a tree. In Chauveau’s version takes place near man-made structures. The fox tries multiple of time to get it but eventually gives up. Finally, the fox says the line “I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour.” The fox is usually depicted as being smart and sly but in here he meets defeat, showing impatience. I think the audience for “Aesop’s Fables” are children, but I think these stories can still hold value for adults since fables are more philosophical.  

Here is a link of an adaptation of the story


Assignment 2 part 2

“Dinosaurs thrived until the moment asteroid hit, excavators of Controversial site clam” by Michael Price| Science Magazines

Link to website: Dinosaurs thrived until the moment asteroid hit, excavators of controversial site claim | Science | AAAS

4 extinction Thumbnails, 4 life of dinos thumbnails, 3 fossils thumbnails

I’ve made 11 thumbnails of the topic and mentions in the article. For example, they’ve mention the finding of a mother triceratops with its baby. So I’ve done a couple thumbnails with the pair.

I’ve sectioned off the thumbnails by three and each row take place in different times. The first is the extinction event currently happening. The second is about the life before the event (mentioned that dinos had a healthy life right before the event).The third row takes place in percent day and the fossils that were discovered.


concepts 1-3

I’ve picked the best thumbnails from each row and did more detailed concept. The first concept is the pterodactyl, second is the long neck and the third is the fossil of a t rex.

Out of the three the second concept is the one I like the most. It takes place an open field and a dense forest in the distance which help fill the page. From the pass assignment I’ve learn to mostly limit myself during the thumbnail phase when it comes to detail. It left little room for flexibility or changes during the concept phase.

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