Momotaro, The Peach Boy

In search for a folklore story, I wanted to find one that was rather unique from our country. This is a very popular Japanese children folklore story known as “Momotaro, The Peach Boy”, which also had many iterations and versions of the tale. The legend goes as this,

“Once upon a time, a woman was washing laundry in the river when she saw a giant peach floating toward her. She brought it back to her husband, and when they opened it, they discovered a child, who explained being sent from Heaven to become their son. They named him Momotarô 桃太郎 (momo meaning “peach” and Tarô being a very common name for firstborn sons in Japan).

Growing up, Momotaro became very strong, but also very lazy, and spent his days sleeping. One day, he heard that demons were living on Onigashima Island (鬼ヶ島). The villagers urged him to go fight the demons. On the way to the battle, Momotaro met and befriended three animals, a dog, a monkey and a pheasant, that could speak human language. The group of four arrived in Onigashima where they defeated the demons.

Momotaro and his friends came back to the village after the capture of the demon’s boss, with its treasures and a large quantity of food. They then lived together happily and rich ever after.”


In the creative process, I took a look at the story and characters and pondered the idea of it being a Shounen anime ( Shounen – Younger Male Audience ), and what that may look like. Based on the story’s meaning, Momotaro symbolizes life, and he was sent to save a childless elder couple, which represented a perishing humanity. Three animals, a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant, helped Momotaro in return for receiving millet-dumplings, which represent the life-sustaining element.

I thought based on those meanings, an interesting take would to have the animals be a source of Momotaro’s energy, and aid of preservation and strength in the face of darkness such as demons. This would be a meaning that you can not protect life on your own, and sometimes will need guidance by the living to serve on the right path.


The most notable characters are Momotaro, the monkey, fox and pheasant.