I have decided to go with an article from Science.org called How dogs stole our hearts by Online News Editor David Grimm. The article is about animal behaviorist Tamifumi Kikusui studying how dogs make bonds with humans by releasing the love hormone oxytocin through gazing in each others eyes. Similar to how a mother releases oxytocin when first making eye contact with her infant. The research mostly takes place in Azabu University, Sagamihara Japan. This matters scientists, especially Canine Cognition expert Brian Hare, because he believes this will lead to people having a better understanding of why service dogs are helpful to people with Autism and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I chose this article because I love dogs, especially my dog Chibi, and was very intrigued by the article. I was curious about how dogs can make humans love them and never thought that they can release oxytocin to create their bonds with them. I hope to create an Editorial Illustration that helps emphasis this article and my love for dogs.

Link to the article: https://www.science.org/content/article/how-dogs-stole-our-hearts