Jillian Tamaki’s work process is explained in seven straightforward steps. The first step is to be open and interested in the art and creations of others which will open up your mind to new perspectives. Secondly, collect images, texts, etc of work that inspires and interests you to keep for reference. This brings us to the third step, research the content thoughtfully to better understand the history and how it came about as well as understanding your intrigue towards it. Step four is to brainstorm using words, anything that comes to mind when thinking of your subject. Following brainstorm of words is step five, which is brainstorming images to draw inspiration from as well as use for reference. The sixth step is to mix the work you did in all previous steps to come up with concepts, thumbnails sketches, etc. Finally, improve on sketches to create a final product. Reading through the steps made me realize that I have a similar work process to Tamaki. The only step that I don’t follow along with is brainstorming with words, I occasionally when reminded, follow that step, but otherwise, I rely on images and general research to draw inspiration from. However, word storming is something I want to start doing more often.