Concept Sketches

  • Decide on your top thumbnail sketch.
    • Choose based on feedback you received from your Art Director (In this case ME.) and your peers, as well as your own passion and design sense.
  • Research additional reference images needed and a create a mood board of inspiration for Assignment One. Collect any reference images needed to fully realize the concept.
  • Create mock-ups using digital media or traditional to aide in rapid work.
  • Sketch at least 2 Concept Sketches full size, not thumbnail size. (You can also work at 125% or larger in proportion to the template if you prefer drawing larger.)


Compare in these examples the Approved Thumbnail sketch and the corresponding Concept Sketch. Consider where changes were made.

Concept Sketch by Yuko Shimizu


  • Post your Concept Sketches and mood board along with a description to Openlab.
  • Categorize your post as Week 3 in Work in Progress.

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