Jaden Williams

Prof. Schmerler

ENG 1101


 Basis of My Literacy 

I remember going to first grade able to read and write. My late uncle used to say “i want my nephew to read before he walks’ ‘. Well that certainly did not happen, however his beloved niece, my younger sister, grew into a bookworm just like him. I bring up first grade and my late uncle because those are the best ways for me to remember learning to read and write.I was around 4-5 when I was enrolled to pre-k. The place I attended was called “Happy Child Daycare” and I still remember the teachers and principal. Ms Garcia was an older woman with a Caribbean background. If you aren’t familiar with having a Carribean upbringing or teaching it’s very strict but overall effective. They tend to say things more harsh and overall loud. When starting to write I remember having to rewrite a lot, and trace letters in “Smart Alec” books. My mother from the Carribean, Trinidad, took my first couple of years in school seriously. She wanted me to write clearly and legibly enough to her standards which were definitely high for a kid. She would call my writing “chicken scratch” which would sometimes make me feel bad, but what she did was not in vain. Without her my handwriting would be worse than it already is and I would have less discipline. I learned to not talk back to my elders during these times. Despite all that I love my mother though; just to clarify. From kindergarten I was able to read and to write but obviously not the best.

I can recollect memories from elementary school which laid the basis of my style of writing to this day. In first grade my grammar had to be horrendous. I was able to think about what I wanted to write but I needed help to put the thoughts to the paper. In second grade I was tasked to write stories which definitely were my first major assignments. It required me to use the basics like stringing sentences and creating a plot of some sort for the very first time. I also remember third grade reading books that were of decent difficulty and got me more into reading. I can vividly remember these two books, The Hatchet written by Gary Paulsen and Tangerine written by Edward Bloor. Another book I would never forget is Edward’s Eyes written by Patricia MacLachlan. This book was a read aloud for my class which Ms Shoppman my 3rd grade teacher read for us. This helped me to take in information verbally and in a way helped me to visualize what I was hearing. Third grade was also the first year I learned to write an essay for the NYC ELA test. For the most part my ELA teacher, Ms.Monrrow I think her name was, did a great job of itching me basic essay writing. There’s also the reading comprehension which was multiple choice and short response. A problem I had with ELA as a young student was my stamina when reading and not drifting away from the essay topic. Over time I got the hang of it however to this day and throughout highschool, I struggle to start assignments and need extra motivation to start my papers. I am aware of what I must do to improve so I will. Another thing that never changed about me is working from example. When I’m given a layout and/or outline to do something, whether it be a job or school work, I’m going to do it. However it can work against me because without a guideline I may have a harder time starting the task and getting into a productive rhythm.