Category: Uncategorized (Page 6 of 18)

Lipogram No O

This evening was very strange, there was mist and weird creatures walking. I jumped up because there was a big bang near the rear. Surprisingly there was a lack in animals and creatures in general. I ragingly traveled back near my bed since I was rudely awakened. Then there again I heard that bang, with wind and tumbleweeds hitting my makeshift cabin.

With everything pushing in that direction,  I have been frightened during the entire night. This was definitely the definition of pure petrifying nights. The awakening of a new dawn has arisen. I went ahead and carried thru my day. This was a rinse and repeat thing which happened many times.

Name Names_Abigail Patz

I have a laundry list of people in my life who have taught me lessons. The first person that comes to mind is my mother, Christine, who taught me everything I know now. One example of this is before I started kindergarten, I would get jealous because she could read and I couldn’t so she would sit with me every night before I went to sleep and taught me sight words. Eventually I could read a little bit on my own. Instead of her reading to me every night she had me read to her and would help me with words I still didn’t know. Christine taught me a lot more as well. She taught me how to be confident and that being opinionated is not a bad thing. She would take me to work with her so I could observe how she would yell at the men in her building to not talk over her. Another woman in my family who taught me a lot is my aunt, Erin. She was the first person in my family I felt I could really be at ease with. I would come to her with typical friend drama but she always taught me to consider everyone’s feelings and point of views. This helped me be a better problem solver for my friends and how to mediate calmly if conflict arises. She also taught me that how others see me, good or bad, is not a true reflection of me, just how they feel about me. 

Later in my first year of highschool I had an English teacher named Gina Peat who helped me through a really hard time in my life. I was struggling with who I was and she would take time out of her free periods to talk to me. She taught me to not take myself so seriously and the only way to get over embarrassment is to decide not to be. After I spent so much time with her, I realized I needed actual help and started seeing a therapist. Her name is Ildie and she has taught me so much. She taught me how to take care of myself and different ways to cope with everyday life. I am so thankful that I was able to see her because she truly changed my life. She taught me what mindfulness, meditation, and empathy for myself is. She helped me see that I do not have to cater to everyone constantly and to cater to myself first. The most important lessons I have learned in my life were not school subjects, they were very personal.

Names Names_ Sirkay and Rems

Coming from a family of goal-getters, my parents are my greatest inspiration.

My father sirkay, mostly inspired me and trained me to be the hardworking person i am today. My father was the only educated person in his family. He had struggled to get a degree in engineering and struggled to become an electrical engineer. He worked so hard every day for his family and he made sure we never had to struggle. He had taught me to believe I can be anything I want if I put my mind to it. Seeing my father work hard and become successful was my greatest inspiration cause I knew I wanted to be as successful as my father. He was so hardworking and so confident in his occupation and all I wanted was to be like him.

My mother and teachers had taught me how to read and write. My mother is also another person who has truly inspired me. She is the greatest goal oriented person know.  I have never seen my mother give up. She has taught me my morals and how to become an independent woman. She was certainly the first person that taught me how to read and write. She even taught me how to do hair. She has taught me literally all the trades I know. She and my grandma are both chefs and had taught me how to cook. They made me the great cook I am today. My mother is a little bit strict and she had taught me how to read and write forcefully, although I didn’t like it then but I’m grateful she made sure I learnt how to read and write.

I am grateful for my parents because they are the reason I am the person I am today.

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