Author: Sarah Schmerler (Page 3 of 14)

WEEK 14 Announcements and one short assignment; read to the bottom

In my previous posts, I directed you to read your next two major assignments closely. I want you to get a sense of how busy you will be for the next two weeks — and also, to give you some advice on how to focus and pace yourself.

  1. First off, let me say that I don’t expect your UNIT 3 multi-modal project to be perfect, or anywhere near that. I am looking more at the intention behind your creative efforts. I suggest that you read the assignment carefully, look at the examples of Artist Statements I provide at the bottom of the assignment, and work with The Writing Center for any help you need. If you have not already done so, the video I provided in the assignment will give you insight. Once again, I will copy that here: What is “multi-modal composition”?

Good question!

Watch this professor explain modal composition to her class. LINKHERE. (This is not a CityTech class, but her explanation is good, and will give you a picture of what this kind of “composition” is!)

2. Time is always rushed at the end of the semester in a class that does not have a Final Exam (like ours). The way to make things easy on yourself is to look back at your notes over the course of the semester look at your old assignments in your Student Folder, and get a picture of what sort of learner/learning/challenges you faced. A few notes you make now will make writing your Final Reflection, and assembling your Final Portfolio, much, much easier.

I extended the deadline for the Mulit-Modal UNIT 3 capstone to May 8. I extended the deadline for the Final Portfolio and Final Reflection to May 11.


By May 6, I would like you to write a document in your Student Folder entitled PLANS_YOURNAME. Please tell me in that document A) what you plan to do (you can always change your plan!) for your Multi-Modal project, and B) what was the greatest challenge, difficulty, or achievement you feel you faced/conquered during this semester.

For your convenience, I will put a copy of both UNIT 3 and UNIT 4 capstone assignments in your WEEK 14 Folder.

All the best, and I look forward to reading your plans,

-Prof. S.

Stragglers on UNIT 2, calling you….

I want to check in and say that I have graded all the UNIT 2 Capstone assignments that have been handed in so far, but a number of students have not even completed this assignment.

It is complex (here is the link to the assignment again), but most everyone who did it did a fine job.

Please reach out to me via email or private comment here if you are still working on it at this late date.

And a note to anyone: The Writing Center is great for help brainstorming assignments if you are stuck on how to start them.

Planning NOW for UNIT 3 (and beyond)…


Though it is with great sadness that I say that my family still needs me at this time, I do want to reach out to you and tell you to look ahead at your future major assignments for the rest of the semester — beginning with UNIT 3.

Though your next capstone assignments may sound complex at first read, take some time; you will see that they build, one upon the other. The issue you so passionately and closely researched in UNIT 2 will now blossom into a new expression in UNIT 3 — one that will reach the audience that most needs to hear your message! And all your good capstone work will be united into a beautiful Portfolio (one, single document), of which you can be proud. In that portfolio document (UNIT 4) you, get the last word. You tell us how you fared over the semester, and you get to be honest and true.

So, please take time NOW to look at what work is in store for you. All this has been outlined on our OpenLab site in the Schedule of Units and Important Dates. If you have not already read that page, please do so now. (Direct link is here.)

Even if I have not finished grading your UNIT 2 Capstone, there is no reason you can’t start now on UNIT 3. (If you chose an issue close to your heart for your UNIT 2 research — as I asked! — then this assignment will be creative, intuitive, and even fun.)

The Writing Center can help with ideation, questions. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for anything — even if you are lost on how to start.

Thank you for your patience and kind understanding.

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