Author: Salman Khan (Page 1 of 2)

Filter Bubble Response_Salman

This video definetly shed light on a topic I was very unaware of that was occurring so commonly amongst everything. It does make you think there are many pieces of information we are missing out on because of these “filter bubbles”. I recall a time when I and my friend searched something up and we got two completely different results so this does explain why that occurred. I’ve also realized that I’m definitely trapped in this “filter bubble” scene since my youtube recommendation page is only what I searched previously or anything related to those topics. There was this other time when I tried to find evidence for an essay I was composing, but all the “resources” were known websites that I always go to but weren’t what I was looking for.  These filter bubbles definitely are restraining people or “gatekeeping” from the knowledge they should be shown. Typically these” filter bubbles” show what they think you would like compared to what you should know.

My Literacy Narrative – an Excerpt

Coming from a third-world country, growing up was difficult. Immigrant parents don’t have the greatest tendency to show support in pleasant ways. So having a language other than English as my native tongue, definitely created many hardships during the learning uprising. But thankfully there are many programs for foreign students to help with the learning curve. While I was growing up I was in ESL until 5th grade I believe. But from my personal knowledge, I believe I was fluent since 3rd grade.
Also, my lack of English comprehension put me in some uncomfortable situations. For example during 1st grade, there was a teacher who lightly tapped me with a ruler on the shoulder. But during 3rd grade, my principal called me and asked me if I was ever hit by a teacher. And me not really understanding that he meant actual physical abuse, I said yes regarding the teacher from 1st grade. Later on come to find out, because of the allegation I made, the teacher was fired. This whole situation escalated to me having a very awkward encounter with the teacher I “accused” of hitting me. This isn’t even the start to my lack of comprehension getting me into bad or awkward situations.

Name Names_Salman

Growing up and learning wasn’t really the easiest for me hence the fact I wasn’t born here. My native language is Bengali, so I had to learn English thoroughly through the ESL program. But the person who helped me focus the most was probably my mother. She disciplined me if I wasn’t on track like any immigrant mother would. But regarding actually reading and writing it was more just any teacher in any school I went to. My parents didn’t really know English to help me learn but they just kept me focused on my education.

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