Tentative. That’s generally my approach to English classes, I’m not very good at them. I enjoy working with numbers and science a lot more than I do with writing, and because of it whenever I’m required to write and do science I only get half the job done effectively.

I haven’t done too much during winter vacation, for the past few months during the weekends I would go to New Jersey to visit my uncle and his wife, as they’ve recently had a daughter, and need some help around the house. Over the break though, I’ve largely stayed at home. Honestly, I prefer online classes a lot, it’s a lot more freeing in a sense, although I tend to let that freedom get to me. This semester is the first time I’ve had in person classes in two years, so adjusting back to that has already been a challenge.

Here’s a picture of my cat, Oreo. Very generic name for a black and white cat but I was 10 and uncreative. We got her in a shelter as a gift for my mom and now she’s annoyed my mom ever since. She usually hangs out on my bed during classes.