My schedule varies on what day it is. On Mondays and Wednesday, I go in person to school for my 2 classes, math and bio lab. For these days I like to wake up around 7:30am and jump out of bed for my first class at 8:30am. Thankfully since I live close to campus, I’m able to wake up at this time and get ready quickly. sometimes I have to compete with my father through our house as we sometimes will get ready for our day at a shared time. After putting on my outfit from my previous night thinking process, I quickly do a quick pocket check for my necessities like my mask, headphones, and wallet then I rush out my house to a rush hour train. This is my morning routine every Monday and Wednesday to get ready for classes. I rush past security after showing Id and go upstairs to class. This should sound familiar to many of my fellow students, as we have to go through a repetitive cycle for our years of college. To make my mind a bit entertained I created a mental competition with a girl who sits next to me for our sneakers. Now every day I see what sneakers I’m wearing and what sneakers she wears as a friendly game. I would complement her on her similar taste in fashion, but I prefer to be an antisocial person and focus on my studies rather than creating friends for this semester.
Apart from school Life my schedule will only consist of rest, homework, and recently the gym. If not Monday or Wednesday I decide to sleep in a few extra hours before waking up and checking my phone for any recent alerts. After completing any schoolwork left from in person or virtual, I usually stay home and relax. I have recently been enjoying the time off I have from work and dedicating my time towards my career exploration in school or just my hobby of collecting hats. Mid-day is when I start getting ready to head to my gym and by 5:45 I am headed out my front door. My life has been a constant cycle since school started but I’m enjoying it. Sometimes I’ll have a break, and something comes up such an instance I have to take a drive somewhere or maybe I decide to do a little bit of shopping. But overall, since school has started life has been a constant circle of sleep, school, eat, study, gym, eat again, and repeat.