Author: camila

Lipogram No The

My morning routine changes daily as I only have in person classes on Tuesday and Thursday. Although, I usually try to sleep and wake up as early as possible. On Mondays & Wednesdays, I wake up at 9:00am as I have online classes. First thing I do is drink a class of water and feed my cat, as I usually wake her up with my alarm and she’ll start meowing because she’s hungry. After that, I make myself a cup of coffee and give myself time to scroll through my phone, I’m not much of a breakfast person.  My first class is Stats with Probability, which starts at 10:00 and ends at around 11:40. I really enjoy my first class as the Professor seems to be a very bubbly person with high energy, so it allows me to pay more attention to a class that is usually seen as ‘boring’ and ‘difficult’. After that class, I get a break from 11:40 to 2:00pm. I usually use this time to eat a snack as well as doing any daily chores I have pending, while also trying to complete any assignments or homework I have due that day or week. At 2pm I have my second and last class for the day, which is C++ Programming 1. I pay a lot of attention in this class, which is a bit difficult as my professor has a pretty monotone voice, and is a lot more laid back compared to my previous professor. Class ends at 3:15 which allows for enough time for me to pick up my younger brother from school, and it’s also when we go to my grandma’s house for our lunch. Mondays & Wednesdays are definitely my favorite days, as it’s calm and not much movement involved.

Tuesdays & Thursdays are quite hectic, as I have in person classes and work. I wake up at around 7-7:30am to start getting ready, which involves me preparing my breakfast and a snack to eat on my walk for my train to Brooklyn, taking a quick shower, brushing my teeth, and leaving food ready for my cat. I do feel anxious on these days, but I use that to my advantage since I do things a lot faster under stress. By 8:30 I am out of my house and making my way to school. My commute goes by pretty fast, as I like to read books on my phone to pass time. When I arrive to my stop, I start walking towards City Tech which usually takes me around 8 minutes, sometimes 15 if I still have leftover coffee to drink or if I’m early. My class starts at 10:00am, and I’m already leaving the building by 11:45. I’m in a rush as I have to get to my job by 2:00pm, but I usually get there a few minutes early just so I have enough time to get my things locked away, now I’m standing at the register and am signed in by 2pm. I work until 6pm, and make my way to my grandma’s house for whatever she made for dinner and leave my school work for Wednesday or Friday.

First Assignment

Tension. Ever since I began receiving outlook emails again, I started to feel that same weight on my shoulder that magically went away as soon as I submitted my last final during the fall semester. It was my first semester of college and I severely underestimated how hard it was going to be, especially since I had major senioritis just a few months before. My winter vacation went exactly as I planned it to go. After all the holidays, my days went by slow with not much to worry about. I was looking forward to the slowness of it all, as I felt like during the semester my days were very rushed.

My worries and concerns this semester is how efficient I will be as a student, and also making sure to manage the energy I put towards all my classes.  It takes me so long to write things for a grade especially, as I second guess every sentence and feel like my work is just not good at all.  Although I have mixed feelings towards online school, I do enjoy the part of me just staying in my pajamas all day, and not having to wake up super early just for the commute. But, I procrastinate very easily and I just completely zone out during online lectures. I also feel like staying inside all the time has given me a bit of social anxiety as well.

The photo that I wanted to add was the photo of my cat, Luna. Very common name, I know. I chose it because I really want to spoil her, but I know I’ll need a well paying career for that. She supports me by sleeping in my lap during lectures and during the nights I stay up in order to complete assignments or projects.