ENG 1101 Readings and Videos (this is a resource page where you can find links for assigned readings*)
*This course is not requiring you to buy a textbook! We are striving to keep this course low-cost/zero-cost.
Introductory Weeks
Elbow, Peter. Writing Without Teachers (chapters 2 and 3). Oxford University Press, 1973. https://talkcurriculum.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/elbow-p-1973-writing-without-teachers-pp-12e28093751.pdf
Bunn, Mike. “How to Read Like a Writer.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 2, 2011. https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/writingspaces2/bunn–how-to-read.pdf
Carillo, Ellen C. “Navigating This Perfect Storm: Teaching Critical Reading in the Face of the Common Core State Standards, Fake News, and Google.” Pedagogy 1 January 2019; 19 (1): 135–159. https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/blaineng1101regularfa2020/files/2020/08/carillo-navigating-the-storm.pdf
Gardner, Traci. “Designing Writing Assignments.” National
National Council of Teachers of English, 2008. //wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/gardner/designing.pdfUnit 1 – education narrative
DePeter, Ron. “How to Write Meaningful Peer Response Praise.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 3, 2020. https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/writingspaces3/depeter.pdf
Lamott, Anne. ‘Shitty First Drafts.” (This is an excerpt from her book, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. , 1995. Print) https://wrd.as.uky.edu/sites/default/files/1-Shitty%20First%20Drafts.pdf
Olivarez, Jose. “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing.” Medium, 12 Sept 2018. https://gen.medium.com/young-chicago-authors-maybe-i-could-save-myself-by-writing-poetry-latinx-teen-79752108d0b5
Tan, Amy. “Mother Tongue.” https://umsl.edu/~alexanderjm/Mother%20Tongue%20by%20Tan.pdf
Malcolm X, Excerpt from his Autobiography, “Learning to Read”: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/schmerlereng1121e106spring2019/files/2019/02/Malcolm-X-Learning-to-Read.pdf
Keller, Helen. “I Go Adventuring.” https://loa-shared.s3.amazonaws.com/static/pdf/Keller_Adventuring.pdf
Keller, Helen, Letter From the Top of the Empire State Building: https://lettersofnote.com/2012/03/05/the-empire-state-building/
Sante, Luc: “Living in Tongues.” New York Times Magazine, May 5, 1996. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/05/12/magazine/living-in-tongues.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm
“Understanding Genre Awareness.” Center for Applied English Studies, the University of Hong Kong, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Daut5e0kWBo
Unit 2 – Reflective Annotated Bibliography
Some Examples of Citations:
[Graphic Image of a very basic Annotated Bibliography Entry:] Park, Katherine. Libguides.com. College of Maryland Library (COM). Feb 15, 2018. Web. https://libguides.com.edu/blog/get-tips-for-writing-an-annotated-bibliography
[Graphic Image of a very basic Annotated Bibliography Entry for an Online Source:] Staff, EasyBib. “MLA Annotated Bibliography Format.” EasyBib, Chegg, 1 Jan. 2021, https://www.easybib.com/guides/citation-guides/mla-format/annotated-bibliography-format-mla/.
MLA Citation format guide — color coded: “Example Citations in MLA Format.” NYAA Library Guides, https://nyaa.libguides.com/c.php?g=977809&p=7070464
Color-coded examples of MLA 8 Format Citation (a book, a journal article, and a web page): https://nyaa.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=50757893
EasyBib Homepage for generating citations: https://www.easybib.com/
Readings, UNIT 2:
Baldwin, James. “A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin,1963. https://www.spps.org/cms/lib010/MN01910242/Centricity/Domain/125/baldwin_atalktoteachers_1_2.pdf
Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings about Writing, Volume 1, 2010. https://wac.colostate.edu/books/writingspaces1/dirk–navigating-genres.pdf
Graff, Gerald & Cathy Birkenstein, “Chapter 3: As He Himself Puts It – The Art of Quoting” in They Say I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, volume 3, 2014. https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/915212/files/28555152/download?verifier=HJ6SFj8jLsPCvE2TH17gz2aT5deBXImp3ItoFnpD&wrap=1
“‘Schools are killing curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn.” The Guardian, 28 Jan 2020. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2020/jan/28/schools-killing-curiosity-learn
Witte, Alison C. “Research Starts with Answers” and Wierszewski, Andrea. “Research Starts with a Thesis Statement.” In Bad Ideas about Writing. Edited by Cheryl E. Ball and Drew M. Lowe, 2017 (link to entire book is here: https://textbooks.lib.wvu.edu/badideas/badideasaboutwriting-book.pdf )
Unit 3 – Writing in a New Genre
Takayoshi, Pamela, and Cynthia L Selfe. “Thinking about Multimodality.” Chapter 1. techstyle.lmc.gatech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Takayoshi-Selfe.pdf.
Gagich, Melanie. “An Introduction to and and Strategies
for Multimodal Composing.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 3. https://writingspaces.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/1gagich-introduction-strategies-multimodal-composing-1.pdfMurray, Donald. “The Maker’s Eye.” Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers. Ed. By Paul Escholz, Alfred Rosa, and Virginia Clark. 9th ed. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2005. https://robertnazar.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/themakerseye.pdf
Murray, Donald. “Internal Revision.” https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/fywpd/files/2019/01/Murray-Internal-Revision.pdf
Stedman, Kyle. “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” Writing Spaces: Readings about Writing, volume 2, 2011. https://wac.colostate.edu/books/writingspaces2/stedman–annoying-ways.pdf
UNIT 4 – Final Portfolio
Prof. Carrie Hall’s Canva document about how to work on a Final Portfolio: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEPqOmwUnE/u8-KpOwC8bYckulFQvLkqA/view?utm_content=DAEPqOmwUnE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink#3
Online Grammar:
“Commas.” Lindsey Wilson College Writing Center, https://www.lindsey.edu/academics/img/writing-center-pdfs/commas.pdf.
“Comma Splice.” YouTube, uploaded by tamuwritingcenter, 2 Mar 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNCHbJruutY.
See Purdue Online Writing Lab, below. Here are more links for punctuation:
Comma Exercises:
General Exercise Practice in Writing:
Free Online Style Guide:
Purdue Writing Lab. “Purdue OWL // Purdue Writing Lab.” Purdue Writing Lab, owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html
Suggested Additional Reading:
Carillo, Ellen. A Writer’s Guide to Mindful Reading
A Writer’s Guide to Mindful Reading by Ellen Carillo
A good manual for grammar and how it is truly used, written by Darren Crovitz Michelle Devereaux called Grammar To Get Things Done:
Carillo, Ellen. “Navigating This Perfect Storm: Teaching Critical Reading in
the Face of the Common Core State Standards, Fake News, and
Google.” January, 2019 https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/blaineng1101regularfa2020/files/2020/08/carillo-navigating-the-storm.pdf