Our Common theme

After reading each one of our posts I’ve come to the conclusion that we’re all here because we have worked so hard. Not everyone goes to college, but we have tried and given our best to be here because we want what is best for us and we do it for the people we love. Lots of us have our family, friends, and pets or even just ourselves that motivated us to get where we are. Many of us are nervous and even worried because since our class is online it’s hard to stay involved and focused. While many of us have a different opinion about our class being online, if there is one thing I’ve learned from you guys, which is also the common theme we all share, is that with love, passion for our careers and Motivation anything is possible and that is why we are all here. You know what they say the hardest part is to start and we have started!

I know you are all worried about how we are going to do this semester but I believe in you and I know you will give your best! You can start by just commenting on this post and sharing your thoughts.


  1. Tina

    Hey Ashly, I totally agree with the common theme you chose to represent the connection between everyone’s posts. Though we all come from different backgrounds and are currently at different points in our lives, we have all gathered here in this shared space as a result of our passion and motivation to achieve our goals. We all have our own unique life experiences that set us apart but this diverse environment not only allows us to learn from each other but also to learn more about ourselves. I’d like to thank everyone for sharing their stories through their introductory posts and I wish everyone success and good luck in what’s to come in the future!

  2. Salman Khan

    Hey Ashly,
    This common theme is definitely diverted amongst all our posts and for that same reason, it is very justified. Like you said our family, friends, etc are our motivation so that’s the reason we chose to be where we are. We all definitely didn’t have the same upbringing but our “motivation” brought us into this class. You stated this theme very thoughtfully and coherently and is something I believe everyone can agree with.

  3. Haifa

    Our Common theme you talked about really explained the purpose of why we are all here. And how we all have different opinions, but we are all here to learn and to give the best of us. Some prefer online and some in-person, however, we all have different ways that keep us motivated. We talked about the differences between us and used them to encourage and understand each other. The class may be online and we can’t get to interact but will do this thru writing. Thank you, everyone. You got this.


    Hey Ashly, I completely agree with the thoughtful common theme you used to represent the connection between our posts.
    We are all different people from different backgrounds, homes, cultures, different lives, etc yet we all are still motivated to be here and achieve a goal. Even with the absolute difference between us we still try to encourage, understand and interact with each other which is a great thing.

  5. Luis

    Hello, Ashly
    I totally agree with you career being a passion and a lot of my decision-making revolves around “how would this affect my career path”. This is because I think a lot about my future and the steps, I have to take to be able to achieve my dream, and I feel like a lot of think this way. Many of us probably would not have been in college if it was not a step towards achieving our goal. And you’re 100% right about us working hard to get to college I was not planning on going to college but I talked myself into it and really worked to make my grades appealing and I’m glad I made it.

  6. Kenneth Marshall

    Hey Ashly,
    I do think there is a big benefit when deciding to do something both new and scary. When I see “starting is the hardest part”, that can be applied to every aspect of life whether it be your first day of school to the first day at a job. We all have challenges we face but the unique key is the resolve and or perseverance we must have to chase our goals. When we let negativity stop us from progressing we get into a rut, so people have to remember to be proud of how far you have gotten and look forward to how far you can go.

  7. Abbey Patz

    Completely agree with you Ashly. Everyone in this class has an amazing story of how they got here and it is wonderful to see that people who have never even seen each other’s faces can empathize with one another. I also think you are right about how starting is the hardest part. I find that when I put something off over and over again, I can get it done in one sitting by just starting and trying whatever it is.

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