Hi Class,

I need to be sure that you have seen All the Videos I have Assigned so far on Online Research. Why? Your ability to do the lateral reading assignments will depend on it. Also, your ability to prepare for the large capstone assignment for UNIT 2, which is coming very very soon, will also depend on it! So please keep up with them. April 1 is no joke: we will be starting a big, new assignment then!

I have two more things for you to watch THIS WEEK (you will find them in your WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER) and they are due later this week. Hope you enjoy them. One is short, one isn’t.

If you haven’t already done so: Please hand in your first lateral reading assignment from last week (the feedback I give you will be helpful!), and watch my Intro video for (hopefully) some inspiration.

Did you know that READING is a CREATIVE ACT?! It’s been proven. : )