Hi Students,

As you may know from your other classes, today, March 24, professors must inform students of their Mid-Term Grades. The classifications are as follows:

P = Passing

BL = Borderline

U = Unacceptable

I created a “Check Your Mid-Term Grade” area on this site. It is about 1/2way down on the right:

Each student should be able to see their corresponding Mid-Term Grade letter there, privately. (If it is not displaying correctly, please let me know! I tried hard to set it up properly, but there are always kinks. Thanks.)

If you have any concerns at all about your grade, or you just want to talk, see me right away at Office Hours. And if, for any reason, you can not come to Office Hours next week, then write me an email with “request Zoom Meeting” in the subject line, and I will set up a special Zoom link for you so we can meet.

If you missed assignments, didn’t hand in your Capstone Assignment, etc., then you should think about speaking to me about making up work soon! I know that digging through the WEEKLY folders to figure that out might be a drag, so I created an assignment tracker spreadsheet. It shows all the assignment I have given you so far by #, type, the week they were assigned, and the date they were due.

I wish you the best of luck in all your classes! Happy Mid-Term.