For me, I would also like to say that a lot of people have helped me on my journey to do what I love to do and what I have to do. However, I will name the main one for me. The first has to be my mom, she has taught everything from writing, math, to inspiring me, teaching me to do the right thing and to never let go of my dreams. My mom has also taught me that everything happens for a reason and to always keep learning, never to be stubborn or the know-it-all.  My dad didn’t have a lot of time with me as he worked almost every day, but he has taught me to work hard and to be productive. Another family member that has helped me a lot is my grandmother. She has taught me to be proud of my Hispanic heritage and to work towards my dreams so I can enjoy my life. She would tell me a saying that she learned when she was growing up” The word tired doesn’t exist, it only exists to those who don’t work hard enough”. I have had several teachers teach me valuable lessons about doing the right thing and to follow your dreams. Mainly, there was an assistant soccer couch in my high school named coach mark, and what he made me was to work hard to make the team and give this mindset about working to get where you want to go. These people, and more, have helped me so much as I work to be where I want to be and to never stop learning.