“Life is Change” This can have many forms of expression but to me it is that any inconvenience is only temporary and there will be better days. Whenever doubt crosses my mind or any type of negativity I tend to turn myself into those deteriorating words which causes me to fall into a depression. Learning to love myself is hard and something I have been battling since middle school. I yearn for happiness in the little things not just in my major accomplishments, I need to congratulate myself for making it this far and deciding to continue. It takes courage to face this cruel world and we should all applaud ourselves for pushing to achieve our goals. A major part of my life that caused me to change was transitioning from high school to college and having this sense of woman hood I want to have. My biggest role model is my mother for the simple fact that she came from the poorest family to becoming a successful,independent,strong and talented woman who I view has my superhero. My family is built around woman and being from the Dominican Republic as a minority causes stigmas that used to put me down which turned into motivation. I have made a lot if mistakes in the past that I wished I could time travel back to correct them but dwelling on the past only leaves you stuck there. I needed to learn from those mistakes, face the consequences and make better decisions based on my past. I learned to not let my past define me but show how far I’ve come, it isn’t easy to admit when you’re wrong and whenever I do it shows my true strength. There is this page on instagram that its purpose is to empower woman and you see so many diverse stories and ethnicity that allows you to broaden your spectrum and widen your horizon. As I continue this path to my own enlightenment I choose to thank God for another day of lessons and blessings, never take your days for granted but live on the edge of it.