When starting my day I walk my dog outside or let her play out in my yard until she tires out. Then I start to get ready for my in person classes and usually arrive to campus at 7:45am, most of the time I am rushing so I don’t have time to eat breakfast which singles me out to granola bars and water. Since a child I have never been a morning person and waking up through out my elementary years were terrible my mother would dress me while I still slept in bed. Eventually, I grew out of my bad habits but they still taunt me till this day as I wish to lay in bed longer and longer. As that saying is said, ‘early bird gets the worm’. I am very self conscious and try to fit going to every boxing practice as I can, mostly I am exhausted from classes and work but going into this new week I am trying to attend more. Specifically for getting dressed its always sweats and a hoodie with a pair of Uggs or 1’s, I always like to dress loosely and comfortable. Overall, this year has started off well and I hope that happiness and prosperity continue showering me.
Prof. Contact Info
Prof. Sarah Schmerler
e-mail: sschmerler@citytech.faculty.edu
Book an appointment with me if you need me! I’m here for you. We can meet on Zoom or Discord. (See OFFICE HOUR in menu above for links to both.) You can find me Wednesdays from noon-1 on Discord and 1-2PM on Zoom.
On Discord at: ProfesS#2049
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