Assignment One

Discipline. English is not one of my strong areas, but I believe by being Discipline in getting all my assignments and homework completed on time is the right approach to this course. Winter vacation was a blessing. I spent most of it with my family. My main worry with online schooling is that I am not getting the exposure and interaction with peers and professor as I like, which I feel is hindering my full learning capacity.  I do see this course as important to both my personal and professional life therefore will try to be discipline enough to complete all tasks and learn as much from it.

To my professor, I am excited to learn from you and to my fellow peers it’s my pleasure being in the course with you.

I choose this, a list of CEOS and their net worth in billions as a reminder that they all have one thing is common, “Self-Discipline”


  1. Corbin

    Welcome Satesh, I can definitely relate to the struggles with English. Online schooling is definitely a different experience than in person, and with English being a class where discussion is a large part of the learning experience, having to go through that online is definitely a challenge.

    I remember in the first stages of the pandemic when all my high school classes were converted into remote ones, and English which was once a very active class with lively discussions became very quiet, although the people in the class were the same.

    Something about being at home rather than in a classroom really tampers with the overall atmosphere.

  2. Skyla Damarys DeJesus

    Hey Satesh, I agree with your choice of word because I tend to lose motivation and doubt myself but with discipline come greatness. Being anxious is a normal feeling and online classes don’t make it easier but you got this, keep reminding yourself of your goal.

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