Women’s Press Collective: 2nd Week

Posted by on Oct 24, 2016 in Coursework, Field Trips, Internships | No Comments

In my second week working at Women’s Press Collective my manager and I went to a printing company in Jersey City. Diversified Global Graphics Group, they print in mass production for different companies. They gave us a tour of the company and how they work. I was surprise as to how big the company was and […]

Women’s Press Collective: 1st Week

Posted by on Oct 24, 2016 in Coursework, Internships, Introduction | No Comments

I work at Women’s Press Collective and my first week I learned how to use the printing press. It was fun learning all the names for different parts of the printing press. Learned that everything you do while printing in a printing press is manually; if you want to adjust the air that runs thru […]

Looking for Internships

Posted by on Oct 3, 2016 in Coursework, Internships | No Comments

Hi, this is my first time taking Internship class and looking for internships is harder than what I thought it was going to be. One, you have to have your resume and portfolio ready. Second, be ready to write a lot of  cover letters and thank you letters. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy […]


Posted by on Aug 14, 2013 in Achievements, Coursework, Introduction | No Comments

I am an undergraduate college student at New York City College of Technology. I major in Communication Design with a concentration in Advertising. Other than art I also love to do photography, and explore places around New York City. I also enjoy foreign music, movies,arts & craft, handball, soccer and I am a self-proclaimed foodie. […]