Monthly Archives: February 2018


Errand (archaic)

Errand – an oral message entrusted to a person

I have encountered this word from the reading “A Rose For Emily”. The word was located at I page 1/6, last paragraph, and it quoted,”Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand.” After understanding the meaning of this word I can say that it means while the narrator was describing Emily dead corpse the people say their prayer towards Emily. Some what like a goodbye message.

“A Rose for Emily”

Why didn’t Emily marry Homer Barron or any other suitor after her father’s death?

In the story of “A Rose for Emily” William Faulkner, since Emily’s family was upper-class level, Emily’s father never wanted to let her daughter find herself a good suitor. Maybe he thought, no one was good enough to marry his daughter because Emily was very kind and soft girl.

” So when she got to be thirty and was still single, we were not pleased exactly, but vindicated; even with insanity in the family she wouldn’t have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized.”

When Emily’s father died, she decided to date with Homer Barron but she could not marry him. Was it maybe because of the town people gossiped saying that Homer Barron is not a match for her or was it, Emily, herself who got used to not being with someone else. But, she loved Homer Barron, she loved him so much that she ended up murdering him because she knew she couldn’t live with him yet she couldn’t live without him as well. Meaning, it was better for her that his dead body being next to her, she felt like he’s always with her. I think she is psychologically not right.


Dispensation – “an exemption from a law or from an impediment, vow, or oath may be granted a dispensation from the rule”

While re-reading “A Rose for Emily” I came across the same passage we looked at in class and wanted to look up what “Dispensation” actually meant. After discovering the meaning, it became even more clear to me how Colonel Sartoris wanted to make sure that Emily would not have to worry about paying the taxes. As we discussed it was due to the fact that Emily really had no real income, the only thing that was worth something was her family title.





adjective: having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding, perceiving all things.


I came across this word during a lecture in class spoken by the professor. this is not verbatim  but the professor was speaking in  terms of narration and how one’s narrating  give off the essence of omniscient because they are all knowing to the thoughts and actions of the characters.

In light of searching for this word I stumble unto this  which seems more fitting to the context.

Third Person Omniscient Narration; This is a common form of third person narration in which the teller of the tale, who often appears to speak with the voice of the  author himself, assumes an omniscient (all knowing) perspective on the story being told.



Blindsjalousies (noun) – a blind with adjustable horizontal slats for admitting light and air while excluding direct sun and rain.

i found this word in “A Rose for Emily”
by William Faulkner (1930)

“This behind their hands; rustling of craned silk and
satin behind jalousies closed upon the sun of Sunday afternoon as the
thin, swift clop-clop-clop of the matched team passed: “Poor Emily.”

now that i understand that this is a shutter i get a better understanding of the sentence. the blinds were stopping the sun from coming in so it gives you a sense of the setting.





Deputation  :noun

a deputation is defined as a  group of people appointed to represent others.

I found this word in the story “A Rose For Emily” in the fifth paragraph.

“They called a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen. A deputation waited upon her, knocked at the door through which no visitor had passed since she ceased giving china-painting lessons eight or ten years earlier.”

when i first read this word i thought it was a sort of legal term and or legal document that was involved with death or people who had some sort of legal obligation to dead people. Now that i have looked up the word i now understand that it is a clique of people or a small party that have some sort of  job to do,at-least in this context.

“A Rose for Emily” discussion

In “A Rose for Emily”:

How do we know what we know?

Why are we told what we’re told?

Who is the narrator? 1st person, “our”–a collective of the townspeople

Focalization: who is the focalizer: whose focus do we see? this is the point-of-view character

different kinds of first-person narrators: homodiegetic (first-person character narrator) and autodiegetic (first-person protagonist narrator)

do we know more than the narrator? is that possible?

When/where does Emily exercise her power?

What do we find at the end of the story?



Calligraphy (noun) – beautiful artistic handwriting


In “A Rose for Emily”, it says, “A week later the mayor wrote her himself, offering to call or to send his car for her, and received in reply a note on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink, to the effect that she no longer went out at all.”

In that quote from “A Rose for Emily”, the word calligraphy is used to identify the handwriting of the Miss Emily and help visualize the note that she wrote back in response to the mayor that it was nicely written.


Encroached (verb) – to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another


From “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

I came across this word while reading “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. It appears around the beginning of the reading when the author describes the relation between the neighborhood and the garages/cotton gins, it caught my interest because I had an idea of what it meant but didn’t know it’s exact definition so it made me curious to find out what the writer was trying to illustrate in the story.

“But garages and cotton gins had encroached and obliterated even the august names of that neighborhood; only Miss Emily’s house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps-an eyesore among eyesores.”

After reading the definition of the word I better understand the context of how the author was using it in that part of the text. As seen in the quote, it’s used to describe how the garages and cotton gins slowly invaded the neighborhood, changing it in a way it wasn’t before.




Definition-sharp in tone or manner


I found this in A Jury of her Peers by Susan Glaspell on page 271. The quote was “There was a laugh for the ways of women, a warming of hands over the stove and then the county attorney said briskly; “Well lets go right out to the barn and get that cleared up”.” Knowing the definition just made it more realistic for me to envision the story in my head.