Author Archives: Caitlynvalera

Blog Post for The Cottagette & The Yellow Wallpaper

Most stories that we have read have always made the best out of an unfortunate situation it is known that stories usually have a happy ending although some struggles. In the story “The Cottagette” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. I feel like there was a happy ending because Malda and Ford truly had feelings for it and at the end Ford really only wanted the best for Malda. He knew that she had a passion and he wanted her to pursue it. 

“But you haven’t done half as much of your lovely work since you started this kitchen business, and–you’ll forgive me, dear–it hasn’t been as good. Your work is quite too good to lose; it is a beautiful and distinctive art, and I don’t want you to let it go.” Ford saw Malda’s potential and wanted to her to keep growing even if that meant that he had to sacrifice being taken care of. “Could I? Could I? Was there ever a man like this?” This was the closing of the short story and it shows that Malda was in disbelief that there was actually a man like this would put her before himself. Also that she can have her love but also keep her passion which was the perfect ending for her character.  

Malda always thought that she had to cater to the man and everything she did had to be for him because that was the typical role for men and women in relationships back then.  She was shocked when Ford said that he would take over the cooking and actually payed attention to how her art suffered from her having to cook and clean. Although Malda was confused at first she realized that that was what she truly wanted. he didn’t have to  give anything up or choose between anything. I think this short story offers a truly happy ending.




Adjective- obvious to the eye or mind or attracting attention

This word was found in The Yellow Wallpaper on the second line of page 5. “But in the places where it isn’t faded and where the sun is just so- I can see a strange,provoking formless sort of figure, that seems to skulk about behind that silly and conspicuous front design.”

The word really does fit into the quote well and reading it back knowing the definition helps to make the part of the story clear. The wallpaper was so obnoxious to her and she couldn’t help not to look and give it her attention.




Definition-sharp in tone or manner


I found this in A Jury of her Peers by Susan Glaspell on page 271. The quote was “There was a laugh for the ways of women, a warming of hands over the stove and then the county attorney said briskly; “Well lets go right out to the barn and get that cleared up”.” Knowing the definition just made it more realistic for me to envision the story in my head.




Definition:  continuous forward movement


I found this word in “The Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin. It is located on the second page second paragraph in the third sentence. “But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would come that would belong to her absolutely.”

It makes more sense now that I know the definition and the way that the author means that Mrs.Mallard would be thinking about the way that she can move forward now that she only had herself to worry about.

The Hidden One/The Little Glass Slipper

The first story that I read was The Hidden One by Aaron Shepard. Which had similar storylines but the first difference I noticed was that it was two fully related sisters and the younger one as being tormented by the older one. She used to burn her with fire and chopped off her long hair so they started calling her Little Scarface. Another big difference was that there was an invisible man called the hidden one who was looking for his match and could only be seen by his true love and all the young woman wanted to be that. The hidden ones sister would test girls and turns out the younger sister was his true love. However she would’ve never known if she didn’t stand up to her sister and be brave enough to actually try. In the end she got the happily ever after because she was beautiful inside and out.


Another story that I read was The Little Glass Slipper by Charles Perrault. I realized this version of the story was extremely similar to the original Cinderella story that I grew up reading. The entire story was basically the same idea and concept but the details in the story were just a tad different. The details were pretty minor when you compare it to the entire story. Both the stories had the same protagonist which was the beautiful and kind Cinderella who was put in the same position. They were both challenged to deal with evil stepsisters who try and destroy cinderella because they are insecure with their own selves. This version was more condensed and the stepmom wasn’t really a main villain the step sisters were.

The most important part of both of these stories was that  a kind heart can get you so much and although people may confuse it for a weakness it’s actually the opposite. It actually takes a lot of strength to remain as sweet as they both did. Also they both have courage and bravery after a long day of hard work, Cinderella still finds the courage to say, “I may be treated like a housemaid, but I deserve to go to the royal ball, too!” She takes a chance to go with her stepfamily, even though it doesn’t end well. And even when that happens, she’s still risks a ride in a pumpkin carriage to spend time finally feeling the way she deserves. And Little Scarface was brave enough to stand up for herself and find her true love regardless of people bullying her. Despite their tough circumstances they still choose to be kind and brave, to preserve through any obstacle.


Puritanical(adverb)- of, relating to, or characterized by a rigid morality.


I found the word puritanical while reading the story There Was Once by Margaret Atwood. The word is on page 70 in the third paragraph. I’ve never really heard the word before and I was curious to know the definition.

“There was once a girl of indeterminate descent, as average looking as she was good ,who lived with her wicked-”

“Another thing. Good and wicked. Don’t you think you should transcend those puritanical judgmental moralistic epithets? I mean, so much of that is conditioning, isn’t it?”

Now looking back at that part of the reading knowing what the word means I understand what the writer was trying to go for. The word puritanical is basically another word for strict religion and strong faith. The author was trying to show that it shouldn’t be good vs wicked because that’s seen in most typical pieces of literature and the good ones always have a strong connection to moral behavior.