Since I’ve been working at this internship I’ve met one client named Sal. Sal is a long time customer of Ron’s who sells products of his that are designed by Ron. He is really picky with what he wants as far as designs. Sometimes or most of the time he comes to sit in the shop with us and watches us design. I become really nervous when he comes in because he is always yelling and saying “I want it like this” or “move this over, okay perfect”. This has made me realize that there are clients like him. Ones who are so particular with what they want. I don’t know how many agencies let their clients come in and observe them but I don’t think I would have any of my clients sit and watch me design. If I feel nervous now, I maybe nervous when I start my design agency. I know Ron will be able to help me with pursuing that. Ron’s marketer Jimmy has already given me pointers as far as marketing and networking techniques to get customers. I think that is really important in any industry.