Joyce- Problems

During this quarantine, I find it challenging to go to sleep at a normal time. Most nights I can’t even sleep until 6am in the morning. That’s when I usually wake up to go to school!!! It could’ve been because of my binge watching movies habit. However, I stopped last week. Because I’ve been getting more and more assignments. It’s hard for me to remain calm. School has always been one of the biggest stress factors for me. It honestly can drive me insane sometimes. I haven’t found anything new to cope, but if anyone is stressing out like I am. I highly recommend it on a white board or piece of paper or even on your phone (reminder app is great) and write down all your assignments and due dates. Then start listing out which ones are harder and which ones are easier. From there on, you can match out the time within that subject needed. 


I’ve been thinking of buying adult coloring books on Amazon to help cope with stress and worry. There aren’t many solutions I found personally, but everyday I am focusing on my mental health.


1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Hi Joyce,
    Good problem-solving post. I think that mental health is one of the hardest things to deal with, but it is one of the most important. Thanks for sharing.

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