In every course I’ve taught at City Tech, students are required to create a process book. It’s more than just a paragraph summarizing their work in a brief four-month semester. It’s a crucial part of their learning process. Since many of our students lack prior experience with archiving, presenting, and defending their work, I guide them in organizing their achievements over the 15-week semester. They learn to create a tangible representation of their work that can be shared with their peers, who ultimately become their colleagues.

In art school, critiques can be brutal, but I emphasize a different approach. I teach students how to evaluate and offer constructive feedback on their classmates’ work. I stress that in the industry, job opportunities often come through connections with peers. This reality has held true for me and many colleagues in the field.

My expectations for process books are high. They need to serve as mini-portfolios suitable for presenting to potential employers or clients. Even in courses that focus on project management and production, the ability to present ideas and information effectively is a valuable skill in our industry. The process books I receive often come in various formats, from PDFs to links on platforms like ISSUU.

Process Books for COMD 1340/2330, Digital Photography

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