Teaching a course early in the program often goes unnoticed by the students. While some students see me in the hallway and ask questions or chat about how something they learned in my class positively affected their work later on, most identify with what they learn when they’re at the precipice of graduation.

Nonetheless, many students have returned to say know that they realize that their success stood firmly on the foundation I taught them.

Some success stories:

a) Amera Rime Lulu, one of my COMD 1200 students, excelled as a designer and is currently teaching COMD 2300, Communication Design I.

b) Zanetta Bowen, a CDMG student, went from producing a book of illustrations she’d drawn to animating the images. She furthered her education and was awarded an Master of Fine Arts in animation from The Fashion Institute of Technology. She is currently a Talent Acquisition Professional at New York Times Marketing and Creative.

c) Al-Amir Jordan, a CDMG student went on to graduate school, his degree awarded by New York University in Media Management. He is currently at the New York Times, coordinating advertising and editorial content for digital publication.