Continued work on my installation project, Finding the Sky.

“Finding the Sky,” a PSC-CUNY funded project is the exploration of a century-old narrative, centered on a resident’s life in a cow town on the Colombia-Panama border. The project uses video and sound footage, augmented reality software, and archived material to create a series of episodes that illustrate the passage of time, offering viewers a personalized experience through their devices.
The pandemic has changed the way this work is presented; moving it to an on-demand experience aligns with the current times. It also brings interactivity to a new level by delivering the artwork directly to the viewer’s device.
I’m focusing on aligning course content in COMD 1200, Graphic Design Principles II. The goal is to ensure that all sections of the course have the same learning objectives and outcomes, providing students with equal preparation and peer mentorship. This alignment is essential for the Sophomore Review, which is a critical project for advancing from the AAS to the BFA program.
Making course content more accessible is a central need. Recent communications from University Provost Wendy Hensel have emphasized the need for greater accessibility in educational resources. I’m exploring how to adapt my courses to accommodate students with different learning styles and abilities, such as those who use adaptive technology or require closed captioning. The goal is to create an inclusive learning environment.
I’m reapplying to CUNY’s OER publishing program with the aim of developing my OER first-year design course, “Diverse By Design.” This course is based on projects I’ve assigned over the years and has the potential to provide an innovative and inclusive learning experience.