Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

Author: Kate Poirier (Page 4 of 6)

Practice quiz due date update

Antonio noticed that I had listed different due dates for the practice quiz on the OpenLab and in an email update. Sorry, my mistake! It was supposed to be due tonight (Monday) but since one of the updates listed the due date as tomorrow (Tuesday), I’ve changed the deadline in Webwork to tomorrow at 11:59pm.

If you need them, the practice quiz instructions are here.

Monday Update: Class recordings, Quiz #5, schedule, study groups, computers to borrow

I’m really glad so many of you were able to attend our first online class this morning. I’m sorry to hear that the coronavirus situation is so stressful for so many of you, but it’s completely natural to be thrown off by this. I hope you continue to stay home if you’re able to, and stay as safe as possible if you’re not. We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to the essential workers who are making it possible for so many of us to stay home.

Class recordings

I forgot to record today’s session! But my intention is to record all upcoming classes and share the links in the appropriate “pre class prep session” posts on the OpenLab. Please remind me to turn on the recording if you think I’ve forgotten! I’ll also share my own lecture notes and any notes I make during office hours as PDFs.

Here’s the PDF from today’s discussion on coronavirus calculus: Mon March 23 COVID calculus

You may also like to see this video (9 minutes) that goes into some detail about the math behind the coronavirus spread, similar to our discussion on Monday.

Quiz #5

Quiz #5 will be available in Webwork starting at 8:10am tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. Scroll down to “Take Quiz 5 test.” You’ll have until 8:10am on Wednesday morning to complete the Webwork component. Remember that Webwork starts a 10-minute timer when you start taking the quiz and that you’ll have only two attempts to submit your correct answer. Email me your written work at kpoirier@citytech.cuny.edu within 10 minutes of finishing your quiz. There is more quiz info in this post.

We’ll *probably* use this combination of Webwork and emailed written work for Test #2 (midterm) as well, but I will post those instructions later this week.


I keep messing around with our schedule trying to get everything to fit in the time we have left. The schedule might keep changing. I’ve moved some things around so upcoming Webwork due dates have been shifted.

  • Improper integrals now due Sunday, March 29
  • Taylor Polynomials now due Tuesday, March 31

Test #2 (midterm) is now scheduled for Wednesday, April 1.

Study groups

I haven’t decided what the official role of study groups will be yet, but unofficially, now is a great time to get started working together. I’ll send emails to the addresses I have on file for you so you can start a group chat over email or something else. You can also direct message each other on the OpenLab. I used a spreadsheet to determine the groups somewhat randomly, so everyone should be here, but let me know if you don’t see your name.

Group 1: Melvin, Fausto, Nafew, Risul, Reuben, Peter, Isaias

Group 2: Anik, Antonio, Parveen, Mariam, Sheriff, Israel

Group 3: Denny, Mamadou, Maftuna, Raisa, Elijah, Joanna

Group 4: Czar, Da Hong, Levaun, Inderpreet, Pablo, Frederick

Group 5: Garvin, Jared, Taraeah, Aarish, Renee, Tony

Computers to borrow

I’ve already sent you an email about the possibility of borrowing a laptop or tablet from CUNY this semester. I’ll copy that email here:

I’ve received an email update from the provost and will post today’s update for you on the OpenLab shortly, but there’s one topic I wanted to email you about immediately. We really don’t know any details yet, but it looks like CUNY is buying laptops or tablets or something for students to borrow. If you are receiving this email, it probably means you have some kind of access to a device and might not need to borrow one, but if you do need to borrow one, let me know as soon as possible so I can at least get your name on a list. If you have a friend at CUNY who will need to borrow a device, please ask them to email their professors to get them on a list (their professors might not know about this yet if they haven’t read the provost’s email, but the provost will send us more details when she has them).


Pre class prep lesson for Monday, April 6

(This material was originally posted for class on Wednesday, March 25 but was moved to Monday, March 30 and then moved again to Monday, April 6)

Here are the notes from this lesson and office hours: Note Apr 6, 2020

Here is the video:


5.1 Sequences

Textbook PDF p.427–444

Homework: (p.427–444) P. 447: 1, 3, 7, 9, 12, 13–15 odd, 23–37 odd, 47–51 odd

Webwork: Sequences due 3/31

Continue reading

Update roundup

It’s been a week. I know many of you are going through a lot right now and I’m so sorry you have to go through this strange and difficult time. Please be kind to each other and to yourselves.

I’ve posted daily updates this week as information becomes available and I know it’s A LOT, so I’m providing a summary with links here. Hopefully this makes the info easier to digest.

This week’s update highlights
  1. Starting Monday classes will be delivered virtually. Classes will be recorded for you to access later. You are expected to attend virtual classes but let me know if your circumstances change and you are not able to attend. Instructions here are also linked in the menu at the top of this page.
  2. Class time will now be used to discuss material that you have prepared ahead of time (readings and videos). You can access “pre class prep lessons” for next week here and in the menu linked at the top of this page.
  3. Office hours will be held right after class just as they were before. Use the same links as for the virtual classes.
  4. Test #2 has been postponed until the week of March 30. It will still cover the topics in yellow on the schedule (please note that the new schedule is a work in progress). More details about Test #2 to come.
  5. Quiz #5 will be given over Webwork/email. You will have from Tuesday at 8:10am to Wednesday at 8:10am to complete it. The practice quiz is due by Tuesday at 11:59pm. Instructions for taking Quiz #5 and the practice quiz are here.
  6. Something new we’re doing is weekly check ins. Even if you are not able to attend class or do any work during the week, fill out this short survey to let me know how you are. Responses are due every Sunday night and are worth one participation point each. You can access the check-in survey here and in the menu at the top of this page.
  7. Due dates for assignments currently in progress:
    • Test #1 Solutions are now due Sunday, March 22
    • Test #2 Review is now due Friday, March 27
    • Webwork Improper Integrals is now due on Tuesday, March 24
    • Webwork Taylor Polynomials is now due on Sunday, March 29
  8. The last day to withdraw from the class is now May 14. There is information about taking the class “pass/fail” instead of a letter grade here.
  9. Online tutoring is available. Information is posted here.
  10. You will be assigned to an official study group shortly.
  11. Your physical and mental health are important. The physical and mental health of your loved ones are important. Being a student during this weird time can be overwhelming and I don’t want anyone to feel like their grade in this class is the most important thing right now. It’s not. We’re just going to try to get through this semester the best we can together so that those of you who are able to will still receive credit for this course with as little extra stress as possible.
This week’s daily updates table of contents
  • Friday 3/13: Logistics, important dates, grading
  • Monday 3/16: Meet the Pets Party! (Practice session)
  • Tuesday 3/17: Online class meetings, pre-class prep sessions, and quizzes and tests
  • Wednesday 3/18: Virtual meeting connection glitches, staying in contact, study groups, grades
  • Thursday 3/19: Test #2 and quizzes
  • Friday 3/20: Weekly check in, tutoring, and internet access

Friday update: weekly check in, tutoring, and internet access

Weekly check in

We are all doing our best in an unusual situation and as our lives move online, it is more important than ever for us to check on each other. To that end, I’m asking you to fill out a short form every week to let me know how you are doing.

You can complete the form in about 10 seconds but there is room for you to write more details about your own situation, if you’d like to share them with me. You are not required to tell me any personal information you don’t want to. Nobody other than me will have access to your responses to these questions. These submissions will be used in place of attendance moving forward, though you are still expected to attend our virtual class meetings if you can. Each submission is worth one participation point.

You can also send me an email if you have anything you need to talk about. I’ll do my best to get back to you quickly. My address is kpoirier@citytech.ccuny.edu.

Here is a link to your check-in form. You can also access this link in the menu at the top of the OpenLab site.

Submissions are due by 11:59pm on Sundays:
– March 22
– March 29
– April 5
– April 12 (optional)
– April 19
– April 26
– May 3
– May 10
– May 17


Some of the college’s tutoring services are moving online. Here is the information for tutoring offered by the math department over Zoom.

Perkins Spring 2020 Virtual

I’m not exactly sure how it will work, but if they are able to give you some kind of electronic verification slip, please forward it to me for participation credit.

I know the Atrium Learning Center is working on trying to get online tutoring up and running too, so I’ll let you know when I have that information.

Internet Access

Everyone who filled out last week’s internet access survey said they had internet at home, so this might not apply to any of you, but it might apply to someone you know, so you could pass the information along. I just got an email from the math department chair listing different companies who are offering students some kind of free or discounted internet. I’ll copy-paste it below. Not every deal will apply to everybody, so check to see who’s eligible.

Altice USA:
Starting Monday, March 16, 2020, eligible households interested in this solution can call: 866-200-9522 to enroll in Optimum region. For households with K-12 and/or college students who may be displaced due to school closures and who do not currently have home internet access, we are offering our Altice Advantage 30 Mbps broadband solution for free for 60 days to any new customer household. Altice is the parent company for Optimum.

Comcast Increases Access to and Speeds of Internet Essentials to Support Americans Through Coronavirus Pandemic.  We’ll send all new customers a free self-install kit that includes a cable modem with a Wi-Fi router. There will be no term contract or credit check and no shipping fee.  To sign up, applicants can simply visit www.internetessentials.com. The accessible website also includes the option to video chat with customer service agents in American Sign Language. There are also two dedicated phone numbers 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish.

Charter to Offer Free Access to Spectrum Broadband and Wi-Fi for 60-Days for New K-12 and College Student Households and More.  Parents have to call 844-488-8395 starting Monday, March 16 for grades k-college.  Free internet for 60 days with more information coming on installation instructions and programs guidelines.  Format 100 mbps speed Open internet (your device needs to set up filtering apart from this).  Public Wi-Fi hotspot will also be made available so no credentials should be needed. 


Verizon response to the coronavirus COVID19 | About Verizon

60 days unlimited smartphone data: 20GB of additional mobile hotspot service. Future reference- T-Mobile’s EmpowerED 2.0 program for hotspots-https://www.t-mobile.com/business/education/empowered2

Free WiFi 60 days – Optimum is rolling out a free Internet program on Monday. Families will need to call optimum and ask for the free Internet program and
are students in the house, schools have closed and lessons are online.) Optimum will set up a router at their location. NY sales rep 1-718-617-3500

Pre class prep lesson for Wednesday, March 25

(This material was originally scheduled for today, but has been moved to Wednesday; Webwork due dates will be updated.)

Please prepare for Monday’s class by going over material from Section 3.7 Improper Integration and Section 6.3 Taylor and Maclaurin Polynomials posted here.  These have been lightly edited since last week so please check for updates.

Thursday update: test #2 and quizzes

I hope you are all still remaining safe and are in okay spirits. I know some of you are at home and bored and others are completely overwhelmed with new and sudden responsibilities. This is a difficult time to be a student! I hope you’re taking care of yourselves. I also hope your first online classes (which start today for some of you) go as well as possible! Our first online class is at 8am on Monday.

As usual, any plans we make now may have to change in the future. I really appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding. This will be an interesting experiment to say the least!

Test #2

Originally, Test #2 was scheduled for next Monday, March 23. The test has been postponed until the week of March 30. I’ll let you know more about how you will take your test soon. It will cover the same topics as originally planned on the old schedule.


We will continue having quizzes every Wednesday (unless there’s a test that week). Quizzes will be a combination of Webwork and written work: you will take the Webwork quiz and then email me a picture of your written work.

Academic integrity: Quizzes are “open book” but remember that your work must be your own. This means that you can use your own notes or the online textbook, but you may not work with your classmates or with anyone else, and you may not use any automated problem solvers or websites. You need to be prepared to defend your work orally in case I ask you to (I plan to do this randomly throughout the semester).

While I know most of you have been working hard, we have already had some instances of academic dishonesty in this class, which has been incredibly disappointing. It will obviously be harder for me to supervise you on these quizzes, so I must ask you to be fair to your classmates who are following the rules. Anyone found in violation of the rules will be reported to the college’s Academic Integrity Committee.

  • 1. Webwork component: Webwork has “quiz” features which are a little different from its homework features that you’re used to.
    • You will have a 24 hour window during which you can take your quiz, usually 8:10am Tuesday to 8:10am Wednesday.
    • Once you start the quiz, you will have exactly 10 minutes to complete it (unless you start late).  Webwork starts a timer and won’t let you submit your answers after 10 minutes, even if you log out and log back in again. If you start the quiz later than 8:00am, it will still end at 8:10am.
    • You will have only two attempts to enter the correct answer. So if you notice a typo, you’ll be able to fix it.
  • 2. Written component: The written component of the quiz is almost just like a usual in-class quiz. Your quiz question comes from Webwork, but your paper will look just like it would if you were handing in your quiz in person.
    • You will have 10 minutes from the time you finish your Webwork quiz to email me a photo or PDF of your written work. You may do your work on paper and send me a photo, but if you have a tablet you like to write on, you may send that file instead. If you take a photo, make sure it’s not too dark or blurry.
    • Include MAT 1575 and the quiz number in your email subject line. This is very important so that I can actually find your quiz later. My address is kpoirier@citytech.cuny.edu.
    • As usual there will be a total of 10 points with 1 for style and 3 for checking any antiderivatives by differentiating (where appropriate). If you complete only the Webwork component, you’ll receive a score of 1/10.
    • I’m not crazy about doing this part over email, so I am investigating alternatives for the future.

Quiz #5 and practice quiz:

  • Quiz #5 will be available on Tuesday morning and due by Wednesday morning at 8:10am. Emails with written work are due 10 minutes after you finish the Webwork component. (For example, if you finish the Webwork component at 6:45pm on Tuesday, the email with your written work must arrive by 6:55pm on Tuesday.)
  • A practice quiz is available now. Anyone who completes both components of the practice quiz will earn one participation point. You do not have to get anything correct, you just need to submit something for the Webwork component and send me an email with “MAT 1575 Practice quiz” in the subject line and some attachment that says “MAT 1575 Practice quiz” somewhere on it, even if it’s otherwise a blank piece of paper or a picture of your dog.


Wednesday update: connection glitches, staying in contact, groups, and grading

We had a nice first pet party this morning. It seems like everyone’s pretty stressed out about this strange situation we’re in, but everyone’s doing their best. That’s all that we can hope for. Obviously, everyone’s health and well being is the priority, but we’re going to try to keep things as normal as we can moving forward so that those of you who are able to, will end this semester with course credit.

Connection glitches

At this morning’s pet party meeting (shout out to Joanna’s amazing dog Maximus), we experienced some real connection problems with Webex. Most of us were able to move over to Blackboard’s videoconferencing system, but some users still experienced connection problems there. For this afternoon’s sessions, I’ll keep Webex as plan A, but I’ll add details to this post for plans B (Blackboard) and C (Zoom). We’ll clearly need to have these backup plans for when our class resumes on Monday, so I’ll post updated details on this post as well.

We will probably have times where there will be connection problems during official class meetings and I know that not everyone will continue to be able to attend all the class meetings. I’m planning on recording all sessions and sharing the recordings with you. I will also using an iPad as my “board” so I will be able to share my own notes from each session as a PDF. I’m still learning about all these options and your patience is appreciated!

It will probably take a few weeks to figure out what works best for us, so your attention and feedback will be especially important.

Staying in contact

Classes officially resume online tomorrow. If you haven’t heard from one of your professors by tomorrow, send them an email. Even if they don’t know what’s going on in their course yet, it’s important for them to know how to get in touch with you and that you plan to remain engaged in the course.

As we move to distance learning, it’s especially important for us to remain in regular contact with each other, so you will be required to check in with me on a weekly basis. I’ll determine shortly exactly what it means to “check in” and I’ll let you know how, but there will be a variety of check-in options from attending a full class to just sending me an email. I know that a lot of your lives have been upended and that things will probably keep changing for all of us, so checking in will be something easy and short that you can do even if your schedule changes.

Edit 3/19: Here is a link to your check-in form. Submissions are due by 11:59pm on Sundays. You can complete the form in about 10 seconds if you like but there is room for you to write more details about your own situation, if you’d like to share them with me. Nobody else will have access to your responses to these questions. These submissions will be used in place of attendance moving forward. Each submission is worth one participation point.

Submissions are due by 11:59pm on Sundays:
– March 23
– March 30
– April 6
– April 13 (optional)
– April 20
– April 27
– May 4
– May 11
– May 18

Study groups

During this morning’s pet party we discussed the advantages of having official study groups. Especially now, relying on your fellow students will be an important part of staying engaged in the course to succeed. Of course, you are welcome to be in touch with each other as much as you can be, but I’ll also assign official study groups soon.


I don’t have full information about how end-of-semester grading will work yet, but we received a notice from the provost that has some information I can share with you. Keep in mind that no information is final; anything could change in the future.

  1. The last day to withdraw from the course is now May 14. Final exams are still scheduled for the following week, so now you’ll get to decide almost at the last minute whether you’d like to stay in the course or not.
  2. A lot of students (and faculty) have asked about having a “pass/fail” grade option, instead of having a letter grade. Some students might prefer this option over a letter grade, depending on their performance during the semester, but it’s not necessarily a good idea for everyone. I’ve never actually given a grade like this myself, so I don’t know all the details, but I’ll copy what was in the provost’s email:
    • Last Day to File for Pass/No Credit/Fail Option –For eligible students that meet the requirements of our “Pass/Fail/No Credit Option” policy,(https://www.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/page-assets/about/administration/offices/registrar/resources/CUNY-Uniform-Grade-Glossary-and-Guidelines-08012018-1.pdf – Page 5), the University will move the deadline to Thursday, May 14, 2020. This is the published “Last Day of Classes,” and before final examination week, and also prior to the “End of the Spring Term”. See note below on possible financial aid impact on students.
    • Students should consult with their academic and financial aid advisor to confirm if such election will still allow them to count the course towards their major/degree requirements, if credit is earned with a grade of P. In order to receive this grade, a student needs to continue participating in academically related activities, complete all assignments, and take the final exam/culminating experience. If a passing letter grade is earned, the student will receive a grade of ‘P’ and credit for the course with no impact on GPA. If a failing grade is earned (F), the student will receive a grade of NC/NP which does not affect the GPA. Students must remain in compliance with Federal and State Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines.]
    • The University is consulting broadly about the possibility of extending the Pass/No Credit/Fail Option to additional courses, understanding the extraordinary circumstances we face ant the fact that a blanket, centralized move in this direction would be warranted with both expediency and consistency in mind..  Furthermore, a temporary blanket approach could alleviate the need for students to consult their academic and financial advisors.  Preliminary discussions on this from had been had with the Chair of the University Faculty Senate and the corresponding regulatory agencies.

Stay tuned for more updates and stay healthy.

Tuesday update: Lessons + video sessions

I hope everyone is staying safe and has been able to find some enjoyment in staying home. We’ve been watching disaster movies on Netflix at my house the past few evenings and, while it’s possibly not the best choice for our mental health during these anxious times, it’s fun and sort of reassuring that disaster movies usually have some kind of happy ending.

Online class meetings

After trying out a few different videoconferencing options for our Monday/Wednesday 8am lessons, I’ve settled on a product called Webex. You don’t need an account and you don’t need to download the app to join the video sessions (you can join meetings from your browser with a meeting link and password) but your experience will be a bit better if you are able to download the (free) app to your computer or your phone and create a (free) account. Whether you use the app or the website, you’ll need internet access, a webcam, and a quiet place (if you don’t have these things, please send me an email and we’ll figure something else out). You can even participate in the audio part of a class meeting from your phone using a phone number and PIN.

I’ve set up a recurring Webex meeting from 8:00am to 11:00 am on Mondays and Wednesdays. This will cover our usual class meeting from 8:00am to 9:40am as well as office hours after class. I’ll take attendance as usual. If you need to, you can join the meeting late.

I plan on recording these sessions and sharing the links to the recordings on the OpenLab for you to review later.

Please see the details for our practice sessions (aka Meet the Pets!) on Wednesday (tomorrow) here.

We’ll see how Webex goes for the first few weeks. It should be free for 90 days, which is long enough for us. If it’s not working for us, we can try something similar like Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate.

Edit 3/19: Please see this page for meeting links in Webex, Blackboard, and Zoom.

Pre-class Prep Lessons

At this point, I’m not planning on giving full lessons during our 8am video meetings. Instead, I’ll prepare some reading material and links to short videos for you to read and watch before class. Then during our video meetings, I can give a mini-lession and go over any questions that came up in your preparation or examples you’d like to see in more detail.

Please stay tuned for more pre-class prep lesson posts on the OpenLab. You can see the first one from last week here. I’ll collect these pre-class prep lesson posts and add a button to the menu at the top of our OpenLab site.

Quizzes and Tests

Yes, there will still be quizzes and tests. I’ll post more details about how you will take them soon. For now, make sure you’re keeping up with your Webwork assignments.

As usual, please send me an email if you have any questions or concerns. There are still many things I don’t know about how the rest of the semester will go, but I will let you know everything I do know.


Monday update: Meet the Pets Party! (Practice session)

I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe. Things have changed a lot over the past few days and they will probably keep changing quickly. This might cause some anxiety, but it makes me feel better to know that we are all doing everything we can to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Tweet from Matt Pearce: I imagine all the closures and cancellations give people a sense of ominousness. But it's really an amazing act of social solidarity: We're sacrificing so we can give nurses, doctors and hospitals a fighting chance. Start from there and hopefully we can figure out the rest.

For details related to our class, please see Friday’s update for some important details and stay tuned for more. There’s still lots we don’t know about how the rest of the semester will go, but I just noticed on the College academic calendar that the last day to withdraw from the course has been moved from April 1 to May 14, so that’s some good news!

Meet the Pets

Our first online class meeting is Monday, March 23. For now I would like to invite you to an online Meet the Pets party. This is really just our chance to resolve any technical issues on either end before we go live with our official online class on Monday at 8am. You can also ask any questions you like.

Since we’ll be at home, I’ll introduce you to our two cats, Batman and Petunia; they misbehave A LOT but we still love them because we have to. Anyone else who has a pet and would like to introduce them to the class is welcome to do so too (I would really really love to meet your pets).

Meeting Details

You’ll need a computer with internet access and a webcam, and a calm and quiet place (if you can find one…if you can’t, we can work something out); headphones are a good idea too, if you have them.

We’ll hold three sessions and you can attend any of them. Sign up for a session in the comments on this post (or comment if you can’t make any of them). You don’t have to stay long, just long enough to check in and see that the technology is working…and show us your pet! Attending one session will earn you one participation point.


We’ll use a free videoconferencing system called Webex. You can download Webex to your computer or phone, but you can also access the meeting through your browser with the meeting link. You can even join the meeting (just the audio) by calling a phone number.

  • Session 1: Wednesday, March 18 at 8am-10am
    • meeting link
    • meeting number: 952 278 365
    • meeting password: 6fgAVwUM6G7
  • Session 2: Wednesday, March 18 at 12pm-2pm
    • meeting link
    • meeting number: 952 278 365
    • meeting password: btNvpqph333
  • Session 3: Wednesday, March 18 at 2pm-4pm
    • meeting link
    • meeting number: 958 576 496
    • meeting password: DRa4QvNWv27
  • Phone number for all sessions (if you don’t have internet access): 1-650-215-5226

If Webex doesn’t work, we’ll use Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. You can access the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra meetings using the links below or by logging into our regular Blackboard course and clicking on “Content.”


If Webex and Blackboard Collaborate Ultra don’t work, we’ll try Zoom. You can download the free Zoom app or join the meeting from your browser here: https://zoom.us/join or at the links below.

  • Session 2
    • Zoom link
    • Meeting ID: 484 960 705
    • Password: 053431
    • Phone: 484960705
  • Session 3
    • Zoom link
    • Meeting ID: 954 093 516
    • Password: 058142
    • Phone: 954093516

If you need to, you can send me an email with any private comments, questions, or concerns. I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can.

(It’s gonna be me)

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