MAT1575 Calculus II Spring 2020

active 3 years, 7 months ago
MAT1575 Calculus II Spring 2020
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
MAT 1575
Semester / Year
Spring 2020
Course Description

A continuation of MAT 1475. Topics
include Taylor polynomials, Mean Value
Theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin series,
tests of convergence, techniques of
integration, improper integrals, areas,
volumes and arc length.
Prerequisite: MAT 1475


This course was created by: Kate Poirier

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Comment on "Hey where can one find the webwork dropbox link for the final exam?"

Hi Nafew, I got your PDF so you must have found the link. In case anyone else needs it, it's here: […] See MoreComment on "Hey where can one find the webwork dropbox link for the final exam?"

Comment on "Test # 2 Review"

Hi Mamadou. I think you *can* use integration by parts here, but if your u = ln(x), then your dv = […] See MoreComment on "Test # 2 Review"