I hope you are all still remaining safe and are in okay spirits. I know some of you are at home and bored and others are completely overwhelmed with new and sudden responsibilities. This is a difficult time to be a student! I hope you’re taking care of yourselves. I also hope your first online classes (which start today for some of you) go as well as possible! Our first online class is at 8am on Monday.

As usual, any plans we make now may have to change in the future. I really appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding. This will be an interesting experiment to say the least!

Test #2

Originally, Test #2 was scheduled for next Monday, March 23. The test has been postponed until the week of March 30. I’ll let you know more about how you will take your test soon. It will cover the same topics as originally planned on the old schedule.


We will continue having quizzes every Wednesday (unless there’s a test that week). Quizzes will be a combination of Webwork and written work: you will take the Webwork quiz and then email me a picture of your written work.

Academic integrity: Quizzes are “open book” but remember that your work must be your own. This means that you can use your own notes or the online textbook, but you may not work with your classmates or with anyone else, and you may not use any automated problem solvers or websites. You need to be prepared to defend your work orally in case I ask you to (I plan to do this randomly throughout the semester).

While I know most of you have been working hard, we have already had some instances of academic dishonesty in this class, which has been incredibly disappointing. It will obviously be harder for me to supervise you on these quizzes, so I must ask you to be fair to your classmates who are following the rules. Anyone found in violation of the rules will be reported to the college’s Academic Integrity Committee.

  • 1. Webwork component: Webwork has “quiz” features which are a little different from its homework features that you’re used to.
    • You will have a 24 hour window during which you can take your quiz, usually 8:10am Tuesday to 8:10am Wednesday.
    • Once you start the quiz, you will have exactly 10 minutes to complete it (unless you start late).  Webwork starts a timer and won’t let you submit your answers after 10 minutes, even if you log out and log back in again. If you start the quiz later than 8:00am, it will still end at 8:10am.
    • You will have only two attempts to enter the correct answer. So if you notice a typo, you’ll be able to fix it.
  • 2. Written component: The written component of the quiz is almost just like a usual in-class quiz. Your quiz question comes from Webwork, but your paper will look just like it would if you were handing in your quiz in person.
    • You will have 10 minutes from the time you finish your Webwork quiz to email me a photo or PDF of your written work. You may do your work on paper and send me a photo, but if you have a tablet you like to write on, you may send that file instead. If you take a photo, make sure it’s not too dark or blurry.
    • Include MAT 1575 and the quiz number in your email subject line. This is very important so that I can actually find your quiz later. My address is kpoirier@citytech.cuny.edu.
    • As usual there will be a total of 10 points with 1 for style and 3 for checking any antiderivatives by differentiating (where appropriate). If you complete only the Webwork component, you’ll receive a score of 1/10.
    • I’m not crazy about doing this part over email, so I am investigating alternatives for the future.

Quiz #5 and practice quiz:

  • Quiz #5 will be available on Tuesday morning and due by Wednesday morning at 8:10am. Emails with written work are due 10 minutes after you finish the Webwork component. (For example, if you finish the Webwork component at 6:45pm on Tuesday, the email with your written work must arrive by 6:55pm on Tuesday.)
  • A practice quiz is available now. Anyone who completes both components of the practice quiz will earn one participation point. You do not have to get anything correct, you just need to submit something for the Webwork component and send me an email with “MAT 1575 Practice quiz” in the subject line and some attachment that says “MAT 1575 Practice quiz” somewhere on it, even if it’s otherwise a blank piece of paper or a picture of your dog.