Project #1: Introducing Yourself

Hello! My name is Priya Maharban and I am 18 years old. I am a freshman at City Tech. My current major is Communication Design because I would like to pursue a career in graphic design. However, that’s not my only interest. I also have an interest in video production. I love to shoot, edit, and produce videos all on my own! I like to make comedy videos such as mini skits. It’s been a hobby of mine since I was 11 years old! I’m also a video game lover. I’m mostly a fan of Nintendo games. Pokemon is my favorite video game franchise. The only other time I play a non Nintendo game is probably when I’m playing PC games on Steam. My favorite video game genres are pretty much RPG and adventure! My favorite video game for years has been Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I know it’s a little weird that Sonic isn’t fully Nintendo and not Pokemon at all. I guess that just describes a little of my quirkiness! I’ve been playing video games ever since I was a child. They’ve began to inspire me as I grew up and helped me with what I would like to do in the future. A lot of my drawings are usually inspired by games.


My avatar is a picture of a Pokemon. It is my favorite Pokemon which is called “Ampharos”. It is also a fan made drawing that I found on Deviant Art. I love to see other peoples drawings, it inspires me to see those too. Especially if they have to do video video game characters or cartoon characters. The avatar also does give off a cute feeling to it because of the way the artist drew it. It really shows my love for art. Most people would probably see my icon as an anime of video game character, which is the sense that I am going for.


I can see my avatar being misinterpreted in many ways. For a start, there might be someone who’s completely lost as to what my avatar even is. They might not recognize it as a video game character at all. They might not even get a sense of it being something about video games, anime, or even cartoons. Someone could think it’s just a random picture that I found on the internet and know nothing about. I guess there could me a misconception if they only get the thought that I like anime or cartoons from it, since it is beyond that. The background of my avatar is pretty dark and nothing to bright or happy. The person could get the completely wrong idea about my personality by looking at the colors in the background. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the meaning of why I chose the avatar though. I just like the way the artist chose to design it, that’s why I still chose it as my avatar.


The purpose of my avatar is to hopefully show the viewer that I am a Pokemon fan. I know that not everyone would guess that. As long as someone can get a sense of video games, anime, or cartoons then that’s good enough comparing to who I am. For people who do recognize  the character in my avatar I hope that they would probably think that I’m a video game and Pokemon lover. Video games and Pokemon inspire me to draw different characters, which is why it’s an important avatar for me and for others to see. I also hope that the viewer would notice that it is a fan made drawing. It shows that I like other peoples drawings and I myself am an artist. In the future my e-portfolio could convey some of my drawings which are inspired most likely by me playing video games. It’s pretty much a circle of me playing or seeing a game, getting an idea about a drawing, and then drawing out that idea!

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