Yesterday I went to walk to Highland Park which is around 20minutes away from where I live. Since it was part of the assignment and I haven’t left home in around a month, I thought it’d be fun to take this topic. I always wonder how people can go out and go with their lives as if we are not in the middle of a pandemic, I always feel like I don’t have that kind of peace to live life as others do and it has been shown again in this walk. While I was going around masked, of course, I saw people playing soccer maskless, unbothered like nothing is happening, I keep my distance and I keep walking around. Though these were a bad example of my neighborhood there were also kids on bikes going around with masks which gave me some peace of mind, in any case, I hope both, the people playing soccer and the bikers are all fine and coping. I admire all of them for going to the park even in this cold weather that doesn’t seem to go away, they were all in coats, though some soccer players had shorts on… maybe for improving their gameplay I imagine. There were also masked people walking in groups of two, not distancing unless they were going through another group or individual passing by. There is also a part of the park which is where the people go for fitness, there were some people doing pushups, others were resting sweating, and drinking water. These were not waiting for a lot of clothing but they seem to have come prepared when they leave since most of them had a backpack or fitness bag. As for this group, some of them were wearing masks, but most didn’t.