Anyone from the age of 14 to 24 who wanted a chance to be a part of the Summer Youth Employment Program also known as SYEP could apply. Before I even considered joining the program, I had prior job experiences working in a security company and also working for MTA. So, my goal when joining the Summer Program was to choose from those options. To my surprise, all the slots for all those positions quickly filled up. I was instantly discouraged when I heard about this and spoke to my best friend about the situation. I told her I wanted to leave the program and just spend time with my friends with what was left of that summer. However, she persuaded me to stay in and choose what they had to offer me. Later on, I found out I would be working in an elementary school summer camp. This was far from what I wanted to do but I took the position anyway. 

At first when I got the job description, I was fighting so hard to not decline the offer because I had never had any experience working with young children, but I still gave it a shot. On a bright morning on July of 2019, I went to this new job location and waiting for further instructions from my new boss. I was then given a tour of the school, given a summer camp shirt, and assigned to work with 3rd grade with my DAY 1 coworker, Elizabeth. When I finally got to meet my new campers, I was anxious and somewhat scared but then as the days went by, we made an instant connection. My boss was so impressed with my dedication that he offered me a guaranteed spot working directly for him. 

Presently, I still work with my 4th graders and we continue to try make the best out of this very difficult global situation. There is even one student I have in particular named Nicolas that I have an emotional connection with. I am an only child and for the past year that I have known him, he has been so much like a little brother to me. There are days I personally tutor him to get him ready for his upcoming exams, we play football together close to the weekends, we get food together, we play video games, and so much more. I have grown such a connection with my job that while this job to most of my fellow staff members is nothing but temporary, I do seek to stay and see where life takes me on my journey even if I do get a “better” job opportunity down the line. 

Now, if I stay on track, I have the potential of being the youngest ever assistant director for the After-school program. This job has changed my complete outlook on life and I personally feel that this job is what defines/shapes who I am as an individual. I would have never thought working with kids would be so rewarding and heartwarming. In a sense, my job is my way of escapism. Hence, I say this to anyone, whether it is applying for SYEP or anything in general, take the opportunity even if it’s not the one you wanted because you will never know where certain opportunities will lead you. Even if it’s something you might disagree with or not seem to be interested in, always take the opportunity.