Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Anna Chen, Dialogue 1 (revised)


Anna: Good morning
Anna: Good morning
Anna: Good morning
Anna: Good morning
Anna: Good morning
Anna: Good morning
Anna: Good morning
Anna: Good morning
Anna: Good morning
Jay: Hello.
Anna: Good afternoon, it’s 2pm!
Jay: I’m going back to sleep.



Jaz: I think I’m going to break up with him.
Anna: Wait u deadass? Why? I thought you guys were doing okay
Jaz: I just don’t think that it’s working out.
We have different outlooks on what our futures should be.
Anna: What about moving in together?
Jaz: Actually, we did live together briefly… if you count our vacation in LA…
Anna: omg how was that? I mean- it was a minute ago, you only told me it was fun and you guys had fun and ate good food there
Jaz: Yo… i didn’t tell you about living with him? We stayed there for a whole ass month & rented out an AirBnb
Mans was gross… I don’t even wanna get into details but basically he don’t clean up after himself
Anna: lol no…. not valid..
Jaz: deadass and sometimes he would wake up late for days we have things planned and then everything has to be rescheduled or some shit because he wants to spend the night before up late playing games
Anna: wow you guys really lived together for  a whole month
Jaz: Yea, and I want to respect his privacy but basically… we’re not compatible. Like.. for the long run…
Anna: Damn so u felt this for a minute now
Jaz: Ya I’m here for a good time not a long time bitch!!



Mom: Hi we’re going to have dinner with some cousins this weekend
Anna: What time and where?
Mom: Probably flushing, with your cousins.
Anna: Yes… which day and where?
Mom: We’re thinking of Chinese food around Flushing
Anna: Which day and what time?????
Mom: Not sure, but your cousins from Texas will be there.
Anna: ………….
I do not want to go anymore.
Mom: Why not?? You should come, they really want you to come and see you!
Anna: I literally have no idea who you’re talking about, when dinner is, or which restaurant this is. I am not going, sorry. I have plans already this weekend.



Matt: Hi we made plans this week to go out for Keiran’s birthday!! We booked out an entire property and gonna throw a big ass party there. Come through!!
Anna: Dude it’s a pandemic LOL r u srs
Matt: Yea.. but we found an isolated mansion outside of the city AND we gonna have everyone test before going
Anna: Ionno man.. you gonna trust every person going? How many are there?
Matt: 40 people, it’s calm
Anna: Yea it would be but we deadass in the middle of lockdown and restaurants aren’t even allowed indoor dining
Matt: No sweat homegirl, just come through!! There are enough rooms for everyone to have their own
Anna: Send me the roster, if I know all of them maybe….
Matt: Close friends only, I’ll send it over in a bit.
Anna: Thanks.
Matt: I just think you been inside all this time and I’d be going crazy too… this is like a little breather from all this shit. We miss hanging out with everyone
Anna: Okay.. I’ll see!!


  1. Jordan Bailey

    In Dialogue 4, I can relate to this feeling of being locked inside for over a whole school year now. Good Dialogues!

  2. Clifton McDowell jr

    I really like dialogue 1, I feel like you stole this from my phone when I have my days off because I definitely sleep in. I also like Dialogue 2 because just reading it I felt frustrated because it was like pulling teeth to have all the information just given to you but you had to keep asking.

  3. DeAndre Badresingh

    I like the emotion that was felt throughout the dialogue

  4. Nelson Tavarez

    I love the first dialogue. I’m on a completely opposite time schedule compared to my friends and our messages show it.

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