Dialogue 1 Sibling fight

(Standing up and staring at the TV)

Jordan: Why does it this guy not know what to do! He is a noob!

Kingsley: Fortnite is trash you’re better off playing GTA 5 instead of kangaroo simulator.

(Jordan angryliy got up and pushed Kingsley away from him)

Kingsley: I am going to tell mother.

Kingsley: Mom!!

Kingsley: Jordan pushed me!

Jordan: I did not!

Kingsley: He is lying!


Dialogue 2: Thoughts sometimes

Jordan: How does the Earth Orbit the Sun and not crash into the Sun?

Jean: Well that is because we are in orbit and the only way we crash into the Sun is if the earth leave its orbit.

Jordan: What exactly are you saying?

Jean: The earth is literally falling towards the sun due to its gravity.

Jean: You look confused. Are you confused?

Jordan: Oh I see. How does the sun float in the emptiness of nothingness.

Jean: -____-


Dialogue 3: Online Calculus 3 Class

Teacher: So the single integral is the area under the 2D graph!

Teacher: The double integral is a way to integrate over a two-dimensional area to find the volume.

Teacher: The triple integral is to find the Volume as-well but with 3 variables.

Teacher: The quadruple integral is to find the space time continuum, in other words the End of the World. Any questions??

(Me sitting in confusion)

Pollution could land your kid at the back of the class -- and in prison |  Grist

Teacher: No questions? Ok we will move on to the next chapter.


Dialogue 4: Group Chat

Jordan: There is a girl in class I really like but I don’t know what to say? Andy you have any advise?

Andy: All you have to do is walk up to her a demand that she goes out with you. If she says no then keep trying until that no becomes a yes. Females like a persistent man.

Andy: Also you can use one of my favorite pick up lines I found so far trough a 30 second google search- Do You Have A BandAid? I Just Scraped My Knee Falling For You.

Kingsley: Hahaha