Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Kevin Navarrete, POV For Picture B

The year is 2020, and the world is going crazy about the Coronavirus outbreak. Rumors have been going around that there will be a shortage in toilet paper soon but luckily for Tom he woke up at the crack of dawn today to go buy all the toilet paper he could find. He gave himself enough time this morning to go shopping and still make it back in time for the first day of his remote class. His classmates tell him he’s crazy for going out this morning because of the pandemic, and how they haven’t gone out in weeks but he just looked out the window and laughed because he got a sense of excitement having to rush and find things while avoiding people, he felt like he was on a game show. Tom is stocked up on toilet paper for now but he can’t wait for his next adventure.


  1. DeAndre Badresingh

    I enjoyed the fact that this has something to do with what we are currently going through as a country. What I would suggest is describing in detail the hassle of getting the toilet paper.

  2. Will

    I enjoyed how realistic this actually was as it occurred a year ago now. Sad to say this even happened but it did. What made you think of choosing that situation over any other?

  3. Ralph Ayala

    I enjoy how realistic the story sounds. I am concerned as why he is excited for the next adventure despite ho badly the outbreak is happening.

  4. BensonH

    Ah yes toilet paper I’m still confused why people bought so many. The only reason there was a shortage was because people freaked out for no reason.

  5. Jeffrey

    The toilet paper plot point is a throwback, can’t believe that was a real “crisis” that had to happen. This is definitely a short story, but I wonder if you could do more with the setting. Maybe make it more dramatic so there’s rising action.

  6. Nuha

    I enjoy your story; it’s funny but realistic. I cant believe people stocked on toilet paper. I wonder what he will stock on to.

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