Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Jordan Bailey, Le Guin Critique

I enjoyed the turn the author took at the end. When I was reading it I thought the protagonist was a female human, however the protagonist is actually a wolf describing her husband. This caught me off guard because I was thinking about a person most of the time up until it mentioned the full moon and the husband started developing longer legs while the face started getting flatter, then it started to become clear what was really happening. Why did the author do this?


  1. DeAndre Badresingh

    I agree because the entire transformation scene was not like the typical human-turn-wolf story.

  2. Fnu Janvi

    I totally agree, as a reader, I was so confused about that statement longer legs while the face started getting flatter, walking on two legs, but after reading carefully I understood clearly.

  3. Ralph Ayala

    I agree on how the change of perspective deceiving the readers can add a new level of attraction to any one that reads a story like this.

  4. Joselin

    I agree that the story did catch us off guard because I personally thought it was a human talking and Le Guin gave us a different perspective of the story.

  5. Moose

    I agree with you the plot twist shows suspense and mystery. I was surprised when the “husband” actually was a wolf the whole time. It shows Perspective.

  6. Christopher

    I agree with you the reading also caught me off guard. But that was what made the reading better because of the suspense and the mystery

  7. Jason Jordan

    Yeah I agree I thought It was a human until the author mention the full moon and transform. I also wonder what Inspired the author to make a story with such a good twist.

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