Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Anna Chen, POV Story Picture A

Just a bit more, thought Zena. We’ll finally get to communicate with anyone else within five galaxies of here; see if there are any lifeforms out there.

Zena believes she’s one of the only remaining consciousness on Earth. Humanity had been wiped out millions of years ago from a catastrophic climate disaster, known as The Storm. Only some technology survived. She and a few surviving AI’s were lucky enough to find scraps and create bodies. They didn’t need the necessities humans did to live and waited out The Storm. Now it’s 800 AS (After Storm), most trees have grown back, they’ve created new “life forms”, but no humans returned.

One of the new life forms Zena created is her trusty companion, Bobo the RoboDog. Together they explore the wild and flourishing nature. After roaming for a few years, they decided to settle down where it was once known as New England, North America. Life was good, but it got boring sometimes.

Zena had an idea. She would create a communication box that acted like a radio, send out waves and hope someone, or something, would respond. She finished the final touches on the box and looked at Bobo.

“Well-” she pressed the button to send out the signal, “Here goes nothing!”


  1. Jeffrey

    I like the post apocalypse setting, but I feel like the story was a bit rushed. There’s a lot you can do with end of the world scenarios and that opens up the door to more character and setting development.

  2. JoharM

    I enjoyed the setup you gave. This definitely reminds me of things like say Wall-E.

    One possible question I’d ask would be what exactly was the storm. Not that the info is particularly needed im just kind of curious.

  3. Will

    This story has an interesting approach. It’s reminiscent of what happened to the Mesozoic era in our world’s timeline, but far into the future. What gravitated you towards the idea of the ‘The Storm’?

  4. Will

    This story has an interesting approach. It’s reminiscent of what happened to the Mesozoic era in our world’s timeline, but far into the future. What gravitated you towards the idea of the ‘The Storm’?

  5. Fnu Janvi

    Wow! that was a really nice short story in the third person. I really enjoyed how you made things up because it’s sem like your like watching sci-fi movies.

  6. Sheely Menendez

    I really enjoy your story, you are really creative, honestly I don’t have an advice since its really good I really like how you came up with name and time exactly to describe your timeline.

  7. Christopher

    I really enjoyed how creative the story was, it was something different and I enjoyed reading it

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