I have my fair share of constant disagreements with people in general, but the one that sticks out the most is the one about shopping with the woman that put me in this world. She enjoys shopping therapy the most as a way to keep her sane, so I try not to say much but it’s impossible for me not. There’s two sides to this disagreement as there is with everything else, but there’s really no right answer in this case.

Let’s start with something small that gradually gets more expensive, clothes shopping. If she’s up for that lovely drive, we will always find ourselves outside the city to go to the outlets. If you’re anything like me, you would more than likely go into the store and look for what you came to get. If you’re anything like the lovely woman who put me in this world, you’ll look at everything on the way to the item you’re looking for. I’m going to throw this out early on, we’re both stubborn so keep that in mind. At some point throughout the trip, I’ll casually ask something along the lines of “Why are you getting this when you came for something else?” That’s one button pressed, just another million to go. She’ll casually give me a straight face and say something along the lines of “‘Cause I can.”

I’m not going to take that way from her because how else are you going to respond to that? But again, we’re both stubborn so it obviously doesn’t stop here right? If you thought that, you’d be right. Once we leave the store we came for, we somehow go into the next five stores down the lane at the outlets. It’s no longer just about her… it is now about the boots her mom was thinking about getting, it is now about her father’s perfectly good jacket that she wants to replace, it is now about the white shoes I had told her about 8 months ago, and the list goes on. She’s extremely conscious about family. Now, as sweet as that may seem… what needs to be understood is that this isn’t just a trip she’s doing – it’s the trip we are all doing (whether anyone else decides to come along the journey). At that point, I just make a questionnaire out of the trip before she asks me to stay outside the store before the blood boils beyond her self-control. I swear I’m not doing this for a reaction, but it sure as heck is a treat to see her get that lively.

Eventually, the argument comes to a standstill because there’s nothing else that can be discussed. These kind arguments have been happening for as long as I can remember. The amusing thing is that these kinda of arguments tend to happen every other time. This how we bond though, so it’s okay.