Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Jason Jordan, Jones Critique

In the passage “the First day” I enjoyed the descriptive nature of the author. For an example when she describe the dress she said “checkered like blue-and-green cotton dress, and scattered about these colors are bits of yellow, white and brown”. I can picture what this dress looks like clearly and I like the sudden turn that happens in the passage. In the passage her mother wanted her to go to school so much, that she even walk to another school after the first one rejects them. We learned later that her mother cannot read and wanted her daughter to have the opportunity that she didn’t have. My only question is what happened afterwards, did her daughter help her to read after she was taught?


  1. Will

    I agree with the descriptive nature of the author. The author doesn’t involve never-ending details that will have the reader getting bored, just enough to get the gist of it all. Your question at the end is also valid. It’d be fair to think that the mother was trying to set her daughter up for success by learning key skills in life to support the future of their family if that was the case.

  2. Moose

    I agree with you the author was very descriptive and helps to visualize the author and the setting that took place. The author describes her life as a kid with her mother that that helps the audience connect.

  3. Ralph Ayala

    I agree with your question. We do not know much details about what happen during that scene. That is something I would like to know because it gave the readers a sense of struggle for the characters in the story.

  4. Alexsis

    I agree the author had a descriptive narrative and the example you gave about the dress was a good example. You asked a good question that I didn’t think about and I’m also wondering if the mother ever learned to read. I also wonder how the little girl’s first day went.

  5. BensonH

    I also think that the author was very descriptive. Really great word choice that were used

  6. Nelson Tavarez

    I agree the author was very descriptive. She explained her whole outfit but in the end I couldnt tell what was going on with all the colors and different things she had on.

  7. DeAndre Badresingh

    I agree and that is also one question that I would like to ask the author.

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