Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Ralph Ayala, Jones Critique

I enjoy the details being described during the beginning. It gives an idea of what is happening and how these characters would look or act. I enjoy the amount of details we are receiving about the characters, but we are not exactly reading what is going on through their head. I do enjoy reading the perspectives of others and seeing what they think. However, this one felt more informative on the story than the characters themselves as you keep reading. It was also sad to see how the mother did not know English. While the story was showing signs of distress you can somewhat understand what she was going thorough. I may not have liked that moment but it felt like a good challenge and gave readers a better understanding of the characters. My concern is if the author had the option to blend in first person with this story how would it work? 


  1. Jeffrey

    I agree that it was sad to see how the mother could almost grasp what was going on but was unable to fully understand because of her lack of education. It provided a very clear divide between what she had and what she wanted for her child in this school.

  2. Amani

    I agree that the descriptive details in the story allowed us to better understand the characters because we were able to get to know a little bit about all of them. The narrator gave us details about how she was dressed, her mothers lack of educations, and even about how the other students looked in her school.

  3. Joselin

    I agree, the author did give us a good description of how the mom was struggling to communicate with the school staff about letting her child attend the school. It did give us an idea of what the mom went through while signing her daughter up for her first day of class.

  4. Christopher

    I agree I also enjoyed the detail that was given about every character because it allowed the audience to learn more about the character and it also makes it easier to visualize.

  5. Nelson Tavarez

    I agree that the moment the reader finds out the mother cant read was a sad. I felt like everything was going to go perfect and something like her mother not being able to read made me feel bad for her.

  6. Jourdan

    The detail in the story was very important to me as well. I was able to map out how the story unfolds a little better because the descriptions were on point.

    Also, even though I was sad that her mother didn’t know English and didn’t know how to read or write, I was glad that she was doing a good thing for her child. She was putting Jones through an education so she wouldn’t be struggling when she was older.

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