Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Adama Barro,Anonymous work’s critique

Title : What Happened to____? 

Author: Anonymous

What happen to _______?

I really enjoy this piece of writing, it is very inspiring with all the small detail from the car, how they are sitting in the car, even how the wind is blowing,her transition between events and how she relate her story.

In the beginning of the story it was it was a very happy blue color family pursuing their dream.

What Happened to ___ ? is a though story of millions of women in our society.

It’s about the inequality between men and women and sometimes the unfair treatment of women compare to men.

In contrary to what many men thing, being a mother is a hard 24/7 full time job,teaching job is also like having another family with a lot of children with each of those children with special need,teacher should have the highest pay grade in all practices.

Anonymous, a mother,a teacher,a wife and a writer is almost impossible to achieve but the authors was able the do all those things, in her story l was very sad because domestic violence is a crime,and no court should allow anyone to get away with it.

In this piece of writing, the author is educating her readers about some reality everyone knows but act like they don’t,patriarchal .

Because of her husband jalousie of her success, he became violent and they end up having a divorce.

Beside the divorce,her husband try to make her look like a bad wife,bad mother and also with lawyers fees, make he bankrupt.

The sad thing after all she been through (physical and emotional abuse )the law chose the ex husband side “When it came time for the judge to announce the division of assets, after years and financial drain, inexplicably, the judge, a woman, gave 100 percent of our remaining joint marital funds to my violent ex-husband. The judge made domestic violence financially lucrative “

Finally, the author achieves her goals, although she loos everything financial on the trial,she was able to let her story out and inspire all women and awake some men also from their ignorance.

Anonymous says “Violence and institutional corruption flat out tried to break my spirit, as clearly as a person might break a bone. I’m the heroine of my own story. Integrity is heroic, as is persistence, and women all over the world know that. Money doesn’t make a winner. Far from it.”


  1. Sarvinoz Erkinova

    Hello Adama,
    I agree with you that her ex husband made her look like a bad wife and a bad mother. He told their daughter that “you mom gets away with many things, with many things she wants.” He verbally and physically abuses her because of jealousy.

    • Adama Barro

      Hello Sarvinoz,
      It is unfortunate that this is the reality of millions of women all over the world.

  2. Marina Malak

    Hi Adama,
    I agree with you that the story was about the inequality between men and women in our society that unfortunately can be done by women to other women as well. the author definitely delivered their main idea. I like how you kept the plot in your critique, at the beginning of the read when the car conversation happened it was a little unclear.

    • Adama Barro

      Hello Marina,
      You are right on the beginning I was all over the place, it was 3 am and a very wrong time to study.
      Thanks for your remarks

  3. Amna Ahmed

    Hey Adama, I really like how detailed your critique is. By using the author’s words in your critique, it really solidified the pint you were making. I agree that the inequality of women is unfair. When you talked about how the author had to give all the funds to her husband, it really spoke to the inequality that women face.

  4. Angelica Hernandez

    Hi Adma, I totally agree that the writeers ex husband made her look like a like a bad mother to their kid, even though shes a good mother since she balances her job as a professor, a writer and a mother. I was also upset about what happened in court for their divorce, it isn’t fair that the husband took a majority of the funds, it isn’t fair because I felt as if she made most ofthe money in the household.

  5. Maria Mateo

    Hi Adama, I agree when you say that this is a story that millions of women can relate to because anonymous did not just speak for her self she speak for all those women that had suffer from violence in their home.

  6. Mamadou

    I do think that many people really underestimate just how much energy it takes just to be a mother. The fact that the author was able to be a functioning mother, teacher, and writer all at once is amazing and her husband turning out to be a useless abuser is really heartbreaking

  7. Adama Barro

    I believe that being a mother is consider by most as part of being a women and most men worldwide believe educating and taking care of children is just a women duty.
    If men’s invest themselves more in children cares, women will have the time and energy to contribute more in every others aspects of life.

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