Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Leviza Murtazayeva- revised “Meet my…”

Starting my teenage years was really rough since I was dealing a lot with peer pressure and bullying concerning my height, which I believe is so funny now. This pushed me to start something that would distract my mind to become someone better so, I began to own and write in journals.

Having, what others call a talent, artistic skills and ability to draw very well, my journals would not only be an escape from the evil real world but it would also be a book of my feelings and emotions or mood which were demonstrated in the pictures I would often sketch. I often sketch on the same journal. As of now, the journal is still my escape, but it is more of an organizer for me as now that I am older, and I have more things to take care of and remember. I usually use it as my notes, reminders, workout timeline and etc. It is my go-to, it is always around me wherever I go, I have never forgot it nor ever lost it, I have collected 5 journals throughout my lifetime. I love the fact of writing and being on hand with everything I do. I do not really like typing and seeing/ reading something written of a screen. I would call myself old fashion, as well. Sometimes, though, writing in journal gets boring and isolating myself from the whole world is not always healthy, so I would go out, meet my friends or stay on a call for hours talking about everything and being involved with other things in life besides the things I need to take care of. Now that that we are social distancing, I tend to print every assignment out so I can have it before me, and it may be all edited and highlighted. Also, that is a reason why I have my journal instead of writing things down in my phone. I really complete me as a person, makes me stable and organized and positive, as well.


  1. Robert Rampersaud

    I do agree sometimes writing things down is much better than typing it on a computer. It is also great to see you use your journal as an escape from the chaotic world we have at times. How often do you have to replace your journal since you use it as note taking, reminders and workout timeline?

  2. Angelica Salazar

    Leviza, It sucks that in this world we have to do things such as writing or sketching to escape it but I love that journals give you the sense of being organized and complete, as well as positive. Would you ever separate your sketches into a sketchbook?

  3. Angelica Hernandez

    Hi Leviza, I think its amazing that you use journals becasuse most people rely on their phones to remind them of things.
    Question: Have you ever accidenlty ruined a journal or yours?

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