It was 7 years ago when I had the pleasure of meeting one of theĀ most amazingĀ person I have ever met, her name is Anny and she lives next to one of my cousins which is actually where we met, even though we are the same age, she was a grade lower than me. I remember that 6 month after becoming friends, we had a fight because I was making fun of her crush (which I never liked by the way), she got so mad that she stopped talking to me for a month. I was kind of hurt that she was not talking to me because I really wanted us to be friend, she was the kind of person you know you can always rely on. After I told her how sorry I was, we left everything behind and acted like it never happened, and that is when we became best friends. I cannot start to describe how important she is to me and my family, I talk to her every single day without getting tired of it, there is always so much to talk about, like the books we read on Wattpad, the series we are watching on Netflix or how we are doing since we have not seen each other since February. The good thing about having a best friend is that you know you have someone who is going to tell you the things the way they are and not what you want to hear, we are never afraid to call each other out when one of us is not doing the right thing, in my heart I know I can always trust her with anything, no matter how serious or crazy it is. These seven years have been great for so many reasons and one of them is because I have her by my side. I can see us 20 years from now being the crazy auntie at parties and living life to the fullest. I cannot wait to see her again when this pandemic is over and start our crazy trips, there are so many adventures waiting for us and I am more than ready for that.